duel links dark magician deck
Magician of Dark Illusion, Dark … However, the summoning restriction does kinda hurt since you can't follow up with other combos. The deck is actually quite F2P, with most of the cards being obtained by dueling Yami Yugi/Arkana at the Gate (e.g. Guide formatted and uploaded by RandomPl0x. Dark Magical Circle is the problem. Try building it deck and you will see what I mean. Dark Magician is an old archetype that recently got a very strong support card from the Future Horizon Main Box being Dark Magic Circle.The deck also had Magician Navigation introduced in the Guardians Of Rock Mini Box in May 2019. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name … Titanic Moth is able to deal a ton of damage between its direct attack and burn damage. Main Deck. Magi Magi in DL would be great, it opens up a huge possibility that the card can finally make it to TCG. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when your opponent activates a card or effect that targets this card, or targets this card for an attack: You can change this card's battle position, and if you do, Special Summon 1 "Magician Girl" monster from your Deck, except "Berry Magician Girl". I am very new at this game, I love yugioh and am at stage 8 I think, ... Duel Links is a game developed by Konami, available to Mobile and PC on Android, iOS and Windows, distributed with Play/App Store & Steam. This is not quite as effective on Shiranui, unless you banish Shiranui Spectralsword, because you will be triggering their effects. This also serves to remove graveyard effects like Kiteroid and Plaguespreader Zombie. DM is the most degenarative deck of all time !!! Ha-ha-ha! No mortal can resist is great in this matchup along with Cosmic Cyclone to manage to snipe one of their backrow hate cards. This matchup is rather difficult for dark magician due to all the blackwing synchros having higher base attack then your dark magician, as well as Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower being able to clear your board. If going 1st in this matchup with only a Dark Magical Circle and a Magician Navigation for backrow and the blackwing player activates Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind right away, you should chain the navigation to it. Now choose between Navigation & Rod! If you’re playing in the mirror or against an esaber invoked deck, you can use Enemy Controller to tribute your Magician’s Rod to take the opponent’s spellcaster such as Aleister the Invoker, then activate Magician’s Rod graveyard effect to tribute their spellcaster and add itself back to your hand. Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! Navigation also at limit 3. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name … Normally you'd pick a Dark Magician in the graveyard for Special Summoning, so that overall you lose nothing in resource count. But keep in mind only one Dark Magical Circle banishing effect can be activated during a turn. Some people have had success with Dark Magic Curtain as well to trigger the skill while summoning a dark magician from the deck. This will expend his second effect, letting you revive Dark Magician just before Magician of Dark Illusion leaves the field as fusion material. Once you have the role, click the Discord logo in the top-right of the screen and log in. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Dark Magician" from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard. You do so by activating navigation, targeting the cavalry with the circle, then chaining the rod’s graveyard effect to tribute a dark magician, since the targeting effect is chain link 1 and rod is chain link 2 the dark cavalry can’t negate that effect as the rod chain blocked it, you can do this same play against Red-Eyes Slash Dragon as well. When you draw this card: You can reveal this card; Special Summon it from your hand. CONVIERTETE EL APRENDIZ DE MAESTRO HAGA, HAZTE NIEMBRO DEL CANAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoYK3wEQPherAAavMHVpHmg/join Para cualquier … If going 2nd in this matchup with the circle+navi setup against a raikiri + Blackwing Tamer - Obsidian Hawk Joe you should toggle on on their turn and activate the navigation on their standby phase to banish their raikiri before it gets to pop your cards. No Mortal can resist has been the go-to skill for dark magician recently after the sealed tombs nerf, it allows you to stop decks that rely on graveyard synergy such as crystrons, shiranui, and thunder dragons after losing lifepoints usually through Cosmic Cyclone. magician dark deck duel links tcg este ese razon llego monstruos meta momento tus ser todos esta. If you can react he will go for a classic BESD synchro instead. Your best fusion target to summon using The Eye of Timaeus. Arkana Duel Reward (Ultra Rare) - Alternate 2 Arkana Starter Deck - Alternate 2 Login Bonus/Campaign Reward (Ultra Rare) - … 1,040 3 COVID-19. Your main goal in this matchup is focusing on stopping black rose plays and Crystron Quariongandrax plays with the circle and utilizing the chain-block. Black Chaos Max makes it so that your opponent can't activate monster effects the turn it is summoned so you … This deck revolves around summoning your Dark Magician with Magician Navigation and banishing your opponents’ cards with Dark Magical Circle while doing so, as well as being able to negate one of your opponents’ spells/traps by banishing Magician Navigation from your graveyard any turn after you had activated the navigation. YUGIOH *BEST* DARK MAGICIAN DECK FOR THE 2020 FORMAT! Dark Magician Girl. Haaghahaaha, no more 3x Navigation for you. Note that Scepter's effects can be used as many times in a turn as possible. And a final note if you’re playing Night’s End Sorcerer is that it effect would miss the timing if you special summon him in a chain link 2 or higher with Magician Navigation. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! Kycoo's second effect is amazing for protecting your graveyard from banishing effects and preventing your opponent from using their own graveyard effects if the cost is banishing, almost like a mini Necrovalley effect. It’s important to note that if they try to bounce your Dark Magical Circle using Spiritual Beast Pettlephin and you chain Magician Navigation you won’t get the banish effect off as circle resolves in a new chain and it’d be in your hand when dark magician is special summoned. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Neither player can Normal or Special Summon an Effect Monster, until your next Draw Phase. If they search a Ritual Beast’s Bond they can dodge the circle banish using the bond so it’s often better to hold the navigation until the battle phase to force a tagout and protect your Dark Magician. Dark Magician is an old archetype that recently got a very strong support card from the Future Horizon Main Box being Dark Magic Circle. This matchup can be a little annoying for dark magician going second due to this deck running a lot of backrow hate like Cosmic Cyclone, and Ballista Squad which also enables a synchro play from their graveyard on the following turn. Duel Links Dark Magician deck, Dark Magician deck in the meta, Arkana deck, how to build Dark Magician deck. Look at this way they semi banned the archetypes cards related to summoning dark magician, which in turn lessens the chances of utilizing dark magic circles banishment forcing players to look for other means to summon dark magician in this case ruining the balance of the deck. so yeah, this deck is not top tier, but is among top problematic decks. Circle effect activates in a new chain to banish one of your opponent’s cards. New player guide: What packs to buy first? When it’s Normal Summoned, Magician’s Rod allows you to add from your Deck to your hand a Spell/Trap Card that specifically lists the card “Dark Magician” in its text. The deck’s objective is to make use of the low level monster’s effects in order to summon Dark Magician (DM) from your deck or hand so you will have a good advantage with your spells Dark Magic Attack and Thousand Knives, as well as a high stats monster on the field. If they manage to get a Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon out the main play to out it is using Magician Navigation to force its effect to tag out into Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, then on your turn synchro summon a Giganticastle to out the azure dragon. Her effect lets you cycle the deck and hopefully draw into Dark Magical Circle. This card could beef up your Red-Eyes or Neos decks, with Magician of Chaos and Advanced Ritual Art beefing up Dark Magician decks or other ritual cards. Keep in mind that Sovereignty can only used as a Xyz Material for a Xyz Monster of 3 Materials. Decks that are not tiered but extremely problematic due to their consistent otk factor. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Sometimes the blackwing players would search simoon off the the Whirlwind expecting you to banish their monster right away, or keep a simoon in hand hoping you activate the navigation early, so it’s better using the navigation+circle combo when they have a raikiri and another monster out. Also if you have a rod with backrow (ex: Treacherous Trap Hole) and one of the combo pieces (Navigation or Dark Magician) turn 1, it’s sometimes better to just search the missing piece instead of searching Magician’s Circle against decks that can’t usually OTK you such as shiranui and elementsabers. This is another viable target to summon through The Eye of Timaeus but less useful overall. So it’s better if you activate your Illusion Magic on your turn and not set it(if you have no dark magicians in hand) to guarantee getting navigation off. These days it's Karakuri, Shiranui, and Blackwings. Your opponent cannot banish cards from either player's Graveyard. If you control a Level 7 or higher Normal Monster, when a monster would be Summoned OR a Spell/Trap Card is activated: Negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy that card. Duel Links has many different deck types, each with their specific cards and special abilities. Its main downside is being unsearchable and having bad synergy with Magician Navigation as using it turn 2 means you’re unlikely to have another dark magician in hand to activate the navigation. 2 7 UR. This creates a niche where Heat Wave can be used to its full potential. 3 Level 4 monstersOnce per turn, you can activate 1 of these effects. EX Structure decks always change up the meta in Duel Links, so it will be interesting to see what this deck does to it. Dark Paladin can also be summoned against Dragon decks because of his ATK boost, giving him a higher power ceiling than Dark Cavalry. A limit or semi lit on circle would had been enough. It’s important to notice what they search using the Ritual Beast Ulti-Cannahawk. Each type of monster can build a variety of decks, so no matter what kind of duelist you are, there’s a deck that matches your style. Enemy Controller is very useful in this deck not only for taking your opponents’ monsters to OTK but it also triggers your Magician of Dark Illusion 2nd effect by tributing a dark magician then special summoning him right back while banishing one of your opponents’ cards with Dark Magical Circle, This card is very powerful against backrow heavy decks such as elementsabers and cyber dragons and you can easily search it through your Magician’s Rod. (i.e chaining a navigation to an opponent’s card or one of yours.). You can only use each effect of "Dark Magical Circle" once per turn. 3 4 SR. Blue Dragon Summoner. yes, it loses to some other top tier decks, but any rogue decks don't have a chance to compete if they can't play through their banish and negation. Normal Summon Dwarf Star Dragon Planeter to fetch Dark Magician. Because Magician's Navigation is a Trap card, this combo can be used during your opponent's turn for disruption. The game lets players play as characters from the original series, including Yami Yugi, as well as the spin-offs, such as Yusei from Yu-Gi-Oh! They shouldnt had hit navication imo. This card is necessary for every dark magician deck as it allows you to search any of your Dark Magician Spells/Traps to boost your consistency of having them in hand. This is the main way to special summon your Dark Magician along with a Magician of Dark Illusion or a second copy of Dark Magician if needed. Duel Links Breaking News 32nd Mini Box: Photons of Galaxy There isn’t enough other support options for this deck to warrant a nerf at this time. Best packs to buy to create a dark magician deck. Summon by using Dark Magician and/or Magician of Dark Illusion as material. Another final note is if you didn’t open the combo and topped a Dark Magical Circle for the last missing piece of the combo, is to swing into the Crystron Citree first to force its effect and then use the Magician Navigation to banish what they summon. Remember that The Sanctified Darklord can negate your Magician’s Rod but you can dodge the negate by chaining Illusion Magic or using Enemy Controller to take 1 of their monsters. These decks include Spellbooks, Witchcrafter, and Evil Eye. Yami Yugi godly deck. Therefore you can’t search it through Magician’s Rod then activate it on the same turn. If this card is Normal Summoned: You can add 1 "Magician Girl" monster from your Deck to your hand. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. This is why you all should stop using battletraps they are obsolete already. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using 3 or more monsters, including this card on the field, as Xyz Materials gains this effect. They should do more. [Feb 2021], Blue-Eyes Synchro: deck recipe [Feb 2021], Six Samurai Synchro: deck recipe [Feb 2021]. It’s better summoning this against a deck like darklords if you had cleared their board to stop them from coming back with Darklord Contact. Magician Navigation allows you to Special Summon a Dark Magician from your hand and a Level 7 or lower DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck. If you go 1st in this matchup with the setup and they summon Aleister the Invoker, banish it before they try to fuse through your circle. Navigation requires you to have Dark Magician onhand, so Curtain is often more reliable. For example if they have a nasten and a desire on board you’d let them swing with the nasten first then activate your navigation to banish the desire through Dark Magical Circle. Dark Magic Veil is a very good to trigger your Dark Magical Circle banishing effect on your turn by special summoning a Dark Magician from hand. This Deck blinds second. Duel Links Dark Magician deck, Dark Magician deck in the meta, Arkana deck, how to build Dark Magician deck. Duel Links] More like Sorcerer Of Dark Magic turbo. The main reason it’s not seeing a lot of play is that it restricts you from summoning anything else that turn(but you can still set). 4,620 4 Mystic Exodia Deck. Power of Dark skill helps a lot in this matchup to make your dark magician bigger than their Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio and it forces them to deal with the Yami to get over the dark magician. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). Magician Of Dark Illusion is very useful in this deck and it’s usually the main target to special summon with Dark Magician when using Magician Navigation. However this can be played around if you have a Magician’s Rod in the graveyard through chain-blocking the impact by chaining the rod from the graveyard after you target one of the crystron monsters. I feel their isn’t much I can do to support this deck. The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense. this deck is mainly based on being a pure build with as little help from other stratergies as possible. It is both Yami Yugi's and Arkana's ace card. Dark Magicians Deck [Yu-Gi-Oh! With only a few monsters on the deck, Legion the Fiend Jester will be used to get Dark Magician from your deck. Are you mistaking DL with Forbidden Memories or something? 8 Worst: Echoes Of Silence. Dark Magician. In mirror matches, Dark Paladin is highly useful for negating enemy Dark Magical Circle and Eye of Timaeus. Another card you can use to Special Summon Dark Magician for LP cost. This matchup is slightly favored for dark magician as you can negate their Invocation with Magician Navigation, however, sabers also have problematic cards for dark magician such as Invoked Cocytus, Elementsaber Lapauila which you should be careful of. You can't just hit the non tuner because there is the spirit of white coming first. I always surrender every time I know my opponent plays DM. However if you’re forced to activate it early due to a Cosmic Cyclone it’s better to just summon Magician of Dark Illusion so the kycoo doesn’t get destroyed right away. Star Seraph Sovereignty can be special summoned when a "Star Seraph" monster is either Normal or Special Summoned, then immediately draw 1 card. And the second one is using Night’s End Sorcerer. The blue eyes matchup is another coinflip dependant matchup where it can be really difficult when going 2nd against a Raigeki Break with a The White Stone of Ancients in hand unless you draw Cosmic Cyclone, on the other hand blue eyes usually doesn’t have t2 followup after you banish their monster with Dark Magical Circle. November 6, 2020 SchmaderD6666 1,180 8 Comments. If using a Silent Magician version of this deck, you can tribute Magician’s Rod for a Silent Magician. Star Seraph Scepter can search a "Star Seraph" monster when it is either Normal or Special Summoned. This increases the power ceiling of the deck, but too many copies of Eye of Timaeus can hinder the consistency of your main strategy. Without balance I believe that this will be a fairer deck and doesn't need a nerf. Hence a lot of players prefer using the Power of Dark skill against them so that your dark magician has higher attack than all their monsters bar Darklord Desire and Darklord Morningstar (it also ties with Darklord Superbia). This combos well with Dark Magical Circle's second effect, letting you banish an opponent's card. During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is in your Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card, but banish it when it leaves the field. It now pretty much has to rely on its fusion supports to get by which in my opinion aren’t very disruptive and do not balance the deck well in its archetype. When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up, you can add 1 This card is very useful for going aggressive turn 2 by special summoning a Dark Magician from your deck after paying half your lifepoints while triggering Dark Magical Circle to banish one of your opponent’s cards. Keep in mind that you can only activate this effect of Magician Navigation if you control a Dark Magician and you can’t do it during the same turn the Trap Card was sent to the Graveyard. The card that broke "Dark Magician" Decks in Duel Links, "Dark Magical Circle is great in the TCG as well. The deck also had Magician Navigation introduced in the Guardians Of Rock Mini Box in May 2019. Pay 1000 LP; Special Summon 1 DARK Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard. Magician's Rod, Dark Magic Attack) or events/tickets (e.g. Most of the time you will be summoning Dark Cavalry with Eye of Timaeus. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Normal Summoned this turn: You can add 1 Level 7 LIGHT or DARK monster from your Deck to your hand. Witchcrafter is also a deck that recovers Spells from the graveyard, but they can easily counter Amulet Dragon's banishing with Witchcrafter Patronus and turn the situation around. Sadly this mirror match often comes down to who goes first with the Dark Magical Circle + Magician Navigation combo to then banish the opponent’s circle, however if you open the combo + Cosmic Cyclone you can just banish 1 backrow with that cosmic and the other with circle to OTK on the following turn. Dark Magicial Girl is a monster in the Dark Magician archetype. During your opponent's turn, if you activate a Spell/Trap Card or effect while this card is in your Graveyard (except during the Damage Step): You can Tribute 1 Spellcaster-Type monster; add this card to your hand. When going 1st against ritual beasts if they open Ritual Beast Tamer Elder and a ritual beast, it’s best to banish their ritual beast with your Dark Magical Circle as soon as they summon it to stop them from fueling their banish pile and stop them from going into one of their fusions too. This matchup is very favored for the player going 1st .if they go aggressive turn 2 with their Cyber Dragon Core and you sense a delay they might be holding a Cyberload Fusion in their hand so it’s better to take the damage and use the Magician Navigation in the end phase or in response to Cyberload Fusion if they decide to use it turn 2. Once per turn: You can discard 1 Spellcaster-Type monster; draw 1 card. Power of Dark is the preferred skill in this matchup as it makes your Dark Magician bigger than most of their synchro monsters.
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