In 2014, Wolf told the BBC: "As a photojournalist I was always aware of composition in my photographs, and one of the things I always liked doing was not letting the viewer be able to escape from the picture. "This commitment and engagement remained central throughout his career, first as a photojournalist and then as an artist.". Een persoon achter een beslagen ruit wendt het hoofd af en sluit de ogen in een poging de lens van de fotograaf te ontwijken. Deze stad, met meer dan zeven miljoen inwoners, is zijn inspiratiebron geworden. publish my work. Wolf begon zijn carrière als fotojournalist voor onder meer de gerenommeerde tijdschriften Geo en Stern. He was 64. Michael Wolf, via Bruce Silverstein Gallery, New York By then he had begun wading into fine-art photography, looking for quirky details of life in crowded Hong Kong. In 2003 maakte hij de overstap naar vrij werk. Fotomuseum Den Haag dankt hoofdsponsor Pels Rijcken & Droogleever Fortuijn advocaten en notarissen en het Erik Bos Fonds. In de dichtbevolkte wereldsteden waar Michael Wolf werkt, zijn deze thema’s onvermijdelijk. De indrukwekkende, wandvullende installatie The Real Toy Story (2004 - 2018) vormt een commentaar op de industriële massaproductie in China. Ended: Jun 29, 2020, 12:27:14 PM PDT. In Architecture of Density (2003 - 2014), een van Wolfs meest beroemde series, worden foto’s van de volgebouwde stad zo aangesneden dat hemel en horizon ontbreken en het beeld bijna abstract wordt. Michael Wolf was regarded as an important voice on the phenomenon of global urbanisation. Except one: Michael Wolf. In Architecture of Density (2003 - 2014), een van Wolfs meest beroemde series, worden foto’s van de volgebouwde stad zo aangesneden dat hemel en horizon ontbreken en het beeld bijna abstract wordt. Een persoon achter een beslagen ruit wendt het hoofd af en sluit de ogen in een poging de lens van de fotograaf te ontwijken. Onderweg in Google Street View ontdekt Michael Wolf een oudere vrouw die op de stoep is gevallen, een vechtpartij, een wildplasser en vele opgestoken middelvingers naar de Google-camera. ‘The Real Toy Story' is an installation with over 20,000 toys which are attached to the wall alongside Wolf's moving and beautifully observed photographs of the workers who make them. ‘The Real Toy Story’ is an installation with over 20,000 toys which are attached to the wall alongside Wolf’s moving and beautifully observed photographs of … He studied at a public high school, North Toronto Collegiate Institute and went to … Fotomuseum Den Haag Stadhouderslaan 43 | Postbus 72 | 2517 HV Den Haag. Hong Kong-based photographer Michael Wolf's Real Fake Art is a discombobulating series of portraits of some of these copy artists posing with their handiwork in the … Het Fotomuseum Den Haag toont een groot overzicht van Wolfs werk, vanaf zijn vroegste jaren als documentairefotograaf tot en met zijn recentere series Architecture of Density (2003 - 2014) en Transparent City (2006). De metroreiziger staat klem tussen de andere forenzen en kan geen kant op wanneer fotograaf Michael Wolf aan de andere zijde van het raam zijn camera op hem richt. Read about our approach to external linking. Zoals Michael Wolf inzoomt op zijn eigen foto’s van Transparent City, zo laat Google Street View ons de stad zien. In de serie 100 x 100 (2006) portretteert hij honderd bewoners van een wooncomplex die ieder op een krappe negen vierkante meter wonen. in alliance with ARCHITONIC. Wolf inspecteerde elke centimeter van zijn foto’s van architectuur in Chigago op zoek naar merkwaardige menselijke activiteit; hij brengt individuen in beeld die zich op grote hoogte onbespied wanen. "Michael Wolf's work on life in cities was always driven by a profound concern for the people living in these environments and for the consequences of massive urbanisation on contemporary civilisation," his family said, announcing his death. Geïnspireerd door dit nieuwe fenomeen - dat in 2007 werd geïntroduceerd op internet - begint de fotograaf een gelijknamig project in 2008 wanneer hij een tijdje in Parijs woont. Indeed, as he had explained to the BBC: "I try to put myself in their situation. Photographs from the series were published in a 2002 book entitled Sitting in China. The carriages were so full, with seemingly no possibility of escape, that most of the commuters closed their eyes, or shielded their faces with their hands. (713) 348 … It was not just Hong Kong that inspired him, either. If you have the sky and the horizon, you know approximately how big it is, and there's no real illusion there. Richard Wolff answers the question "is China socialist?" your own Pins on Pinterest Dit is een doorverwijspagina , bedoeld om de verschillen in betekenis of gebruik van Michael Wolff inzichtelijk te maken. Wolf grew up in Canada, Germany and the US, and moved to Hong Kong in 1994 to work as a photojournalist for the magazine Stern. and breaks down a basic overview of the Chinese economy. Hong Kong's imposing, densely-packed tower blocks have long been a symbol of its housing crisis, which has seen tens of thousands of families in the region crammed into tiny homes. So as soon as you have sky there, you look up and you can leave the picture in some form. The art of copying famous artwork and hawking it online has become a multi-million dollar business for Chinese copy artists who blatantly rip off copyrighted work and sell it for pennies on the dollar to customers worldwide. Sinds 1994 woont en werkt Michael Wolf in Hong Kong. Bij de tentoonstelling verschijnt een catalogus getiteld Works met teksten van Marc Feustel, Jan-Philipp Sendker en Wim van Sinderen (Peperoni Books, € 50,00). Deze stad, met meer dan zeven miljoen inwoners, is zijn inspiratiebron geworden. Wolf Atelier. ", Through the lens of the late Yannis Behrakis, Opera singer with transplanted lungs dies, The spy who helped mastermind the Sydney Opera House. Via Google Street View, dat destijds aanzienlijk minder onderhevig was aan censuur, probeert hij zich de stad eigen te maken. I wouldn't do that. POPULAR NOW ART! The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Hij groeide op in de Verenigde Staten en Canada, maar keerde voor zijn studie terug naar Duitsland waar hij van 1972 tot 1976 les kreeg van Otto Steinert, de legendarische professor van de Folkwang School in Essen. Other times, he would take a big step back and study from further away, surveying the city as a whole - as with his series Hong Kong: Front Door/Back Door. "It doesn't say anything, and it's a form of voyeurism that I would be against. A year later, he started taking the photographs of tower blocks that would later form Architecture of Density. His most well-known work is … Michael Wolf, in 1954 geboren in München, groeide op in de VS maar keerde voor zijn opleiding weer terug naar Duitsland. Born in Germany, Michael Wolf’s career as a photojournalist, a freelance photographer and, more recently, an artist spans more than 40 years. Sometimes, as with his series My Favourite Thing, he would zoom in on these personal details to take an extremely close look at city life. Hong Kong became Michael’s central photographic subject. of Mathematics MS-136 Rice University P. O. He photographed, for example, the tools that workers stored in back alleys connected to kitchens and gloves hanging from industrial pipes and bamboo scaffolding, ballooning in the breeze as if they were disembodied hands … Een enorme hoeveelheid door Wolf verzameld ‘Made in China’-speelgoed (circa 20.000 stuks op 40 vierkante meter) flankeert de foto´s die hij maakte van arbeiders in Chinese speelgoedfabrieken. Michael Wolf Dept. 21 x 15.5 cm. michael wolf: sitting in china. Office: Room 404, Herman Brown Hall Tel. Het duurde uiteindelijk nog twee jaar tot ze het perfecte pand vonden: de monumentale spoorbrug op het Westerdoksplein met een industrieel ontwerp en … Fotomuseum Den Haag © 2021 BBC. PRODUCT LIBRARY. I know of projects in Japan that other photographers have done, where they take pictures of salarymen at midnight taking the last train home, totally drunk out of their minds, lying unconscious on the train platform, and I think that's terribly unfair. Gedurende de jaren 2010 - 2013 keert Wolf telkens terug naar hetzelfde perron in Tokyo. Michael Wolf pays tribute to the factory workers in China who produce over 75% of the world’s cheap mass-produced plastic toys. share my vision. Clothbound. By cropping it like that, I'm not describing the building any more, I'm creating a metaphor.". Discover (and save!) In 2014, his images of rooftops in Paris painted a picture of city life through the busy geometry of its chimneys. The photographer Michael Wolf's study of Hong Kong, "The Architecture of Density," began with the SARS outbreak in 2002. Michael Wolf began his career as a photojournalist, spending over a decade working in Asia for the German magazine Stern.While shooting his final story for the magazine, “China: Factory of the World,” he discovered the seeds of his first major art project. Illustrated in colour throughout. Michael Wolf pays tribute to the factory workers in China who produce over 75% of the world's cheap mass-produced plastic toys. Michael Wolf, a German photographer whose work is in permanent collections around the world, died suddenly at his home on Cheung Chau island. Wolf died on Wednesday night in … But then, upon closer inspection, the details of individuals' lives become clear: a towel draped over a balcony, a window slightly open, or someone's T-shirt hanging out to air-dry. Wolf reports that the police detained him twice during the photographing of the series for "doing something which was harmful to the Chinese state." Stadhouderslaan 43 2517 HV Den Haag, 31 (0)70 - 33 811 11 Het centrale thema van zijn oeuvre is het leven van mensen in de altijd veranderende metropolen. promote my project. Price: US $122.95. Sell one like this. Alongside the installation is… Kailey Industrial Building, Block A, 5/F, Unit 504, 12 Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan. The tower block images look so abstract that it takes the viewer a second to realise what they are looking at. Hij wacht daar als een jager op zijn prooi. His new book Informal Solutions was released in January 2016. art 0 shares. Wolf began non-editorial photography with a series entitled Bastard Chairs, small chairs that Chinese people would repair repeatedly using whatever materials were available. Dept. Wolf died in Hong Kong on 24 April, at the age of 64. MICHAEL WOLF: SITTING IN CHINA - Hardcover. Jul 15, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by 郑美丽. Condition: Good. Michael Wolf – Life in Cities . (713) 348-6293 Math. Read about our approach to external linking. Hij blaast details op tot we in grove pixels bijvoorbeeld een zakenman herkennen die op kantoor een golfballetje slaat of iemand die vol vertwijfeling zijn gezicht in zijn handen laat zakken. Te zien van 20 januari t/m 22 april 2018 in Fotomuseum Den Haag. Michael Wolf werd in 1954 geboren in München. In Transparent City Details (2006) speelt Michael Wolf - net als in Tokyo Compression - met thema´s als privacy en voyeurisme in de grote stad. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77251. Michael Wolf - Architecture of Density ( Stand Alone Volume of Hong Kong Inside / Outside ) (Hardcover). He spent eight years in that job before leaving in 2002. In Transparent City De… Michael Wolf, known for his densely-packed images of Hong Kong and Tokyo, has died aged 64. Sinds 1994 woont en werkt Michael Wolf in Hong Kong. Although Wolf called the bastard chairs a "great symbol of the Chinese people's thriftiness and resourc… Michael Wolf (1954–2019) Photographer Michael Wolf, known for capturing the architectural landscape and urban density of cities such as China and Hong Kong and for his long-running photo series “Architecture of Density” (2003–14) and “Informal Solutions” (2003–19), died on Thursday, April 25, at his home in Cheung Chau, an island southwest of Hong Kong, the New York Times reports. Na twee jaar Envy was Michael toe aan een eigen zaak en hij besprak dit met de eigenaar, Bert van der Leden. Dit resulteert in Tokyo Compression, wellicht zijn beroemdste fotoserie waarin hij de onderwerpen privacy en voyeurisme tot in detail onderzoekt. Michael Wolff (journalist) (1953), Amerikaanse schrijver en journalist Bekijk alle artikelen waarvan de titel begint met Michael Wolff of met Michael Wolff in de titel . Photographer Michael Wolf, who was known for his depiction of Hong Kong’s urban life, has passed away in his home on Cheung Chau Island. Michael Wolf, a notable German photographer and artist who interchangeably works and lives in Paris and Hong Kong; although he was born in Germany, he was raised in America, Canada and Europe. View original item. He was best known for his 11-year project Architecture of Density, for which he took photos of Hong Kong's residential blocks and cropped them so tightly that they felt even more compact. "It's the same with the architecture. - Blown away by the wind and resting in all different postures on electric wires, roofs, and billboards, the laundry items in Michael Wolf's photographs transform into peculiar sculptures of everyday life. De verlegen en soms gelaten blikken van de arbeiders vormen een schril contrast met de overweldigende hoeveelheid goedkoop speelgoed. [80] pp. - A final tribute to his city - Michael Wolf (1954-2019) in Hong Kong's back alleys. Deze website gebruikt cookies om uw ervaring te verbeteren. In de serie 100 x 100 (2006) portretteert hij honderd bewoners van een wooncomplex die ieder op een krappe negen vierkante meter wonen. The German photographer, who has been living in Hong Kong since 1994, explains his brainwave while seated, a foreigner surrounded by Chinese, in one of those diminutive restaurants in the vicinity of Sheung Wan. But photographer Michael Wolf managed to find moments of beauty in the buildings that populated his adoptive home - without shying away from the harsh realities of life for the people inside. Michael Wolf will invite the public into his studio during Art Basel Hong Kong: March 27, 2016 from 3pm. Best Selling in Nonfiction. For more information on Wolf and his work, visit Photograph: Flowers Gallery. Daniel Heikens, Rein Langeveld en Joost Nijhuis. Desondanks blijft zijn fotografie geworteld in de traditie van de sociaal geëngageerde documentairefotografie. And his photos of Tokyo's subway network, Tokyo Compression, are a much more intimate look at life in a dense city, with people's faces physically crushed against the windows of trains.
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