Esta página se editó por última vez el 27 ago 2019 a las 15:55. Usually, the head is predominantly black and the tip of the tail is white, regardless of the distribution of black and white, and roan and ticking on the rest of the body. The coat is dense, but should be firm and sleek. The Large Munsterlander (or Großer Münsterländer) is a breed of gun dog originally from the Münster region in Germany.. The breed is an offshoot of the German Longhaired Pointer, and was officially recognized as a separate breed when the German Longhaired Pointer club chose to deny recognition to the black and white … This entry was submitted to us. CACIB. However, the forerunner of the modern Large Munsterlander can be recognised in artist's representations of hunting scenes as far back as the Middle Ages.ünsterländer_grande&oldid=118593751, Wikipedia:Artículos con datos por trasladar a Wikidata, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Großer Münsterländer Notice of Have it Back. großer Münsterländer Bilder und Fotos lizenzfrei bei ClipDealer: ein großer Münsterländer Hund im Studio fotografiert Due to the nature of the piebald gene, the amount of black in an individual's coat pattern is highly variable, ranging from predominantly white to predominantly black. The Large Munsterlander Club of North America, Thirty Years. Its body should be the same length as its height at the withers. er til salg. It should weigh approximately 30 kg (66 lb). Specialklub for Kleiner og Grosser Münsterländer. Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund. Las mejores ofertas para Grande Pointer Großer Münsterländer Cuero Llavero están en eBay Compara precios y características de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artículos con envío gratis! Volume One: The Continentals. History. Kleiner münsterländer HVALPE TIL SALG VISER 0 ANNONCER. Its gait should be fluid and elastic. Longtime member. La raza muestra una mejor cooperación que otras razas y una concentración excelente en el seguimiento y recuperación de aves. Großer Münsterländer - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock Fecha de Reconocimiento 20-12-54 Publicación del Estándar valido 05-03-14 Prueba de Trabajo Con prueba de trabajo Community See All. Großer Münsterländer Vorstehhund País de Origen Alemania Grupo 7 Perros de muestra Sección 1.2 Perros de muestra continentales « Tipo Spaniel ». Darf ich vorstellen das ist die Piccoline Sie fährt gerne Auto und liebt es Zu spielen [4] Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Kleiner münsterländer, der pt. About See All. The Large Munsterlander is one of … The item you've selected was not added to your cart. 2011. Journal of Heredity 100:S66-S74. Jun 5, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Helena. Jump to navigation Jump to search. During search for game, most dogs range 50 to 150 yards (46 to 137 m), depending on cover. großer Münsterländer Weihnachten Bilder und Fotos lizenzfrei bei ClipDealer: ein großer Münsterländer Hund im Studio fotografiert, freigestellt mit Zipfelmütze auf dem Kopf May 25, 2013 - Large (Grosser) Munsterlander / Großer Münsterländer P. 282, Learn how and when to remove this template message, North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, "BREEDS: Breed Profile: The Large Munsterlander",,ünsterländer&oldid=1003696280, Articles needing additional references from August 2015, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 30 January 2021, at 06:42. [8], On average, Large Munsterlanders work closer and are more responsive to the handler than other breeds, although the Large Munsterlander's pointing instinct matures later. They are also a HPR (Hunt, Point and Retrieve) Gundog. Have it Back accepts no liability for the content or topicality of the entry. your own Pins on Pinterest The standard is set by FCI and the translation was done by Mrs. Peggy Davis from the original German. Please try again later. Vadászkutya, de kellően sok mozgás mellett családi kedvencként is lehet tartani ezt a barátságos természetű kutyát. The Kennel Club (KC) in England recognised the breed in 1919 and established the breed standard in 1921. 13.06.2016 - Großer Münsterländer - julia kauer jagdhunde fotografie Discover (and save!) The Kennel Club (KC) en Reino Unido lo reconoce como raza en 1919, estableciéndose su estándar en 1921.Se trata de un perro de tipo Spaniel Large Munsterlanders should be 60 to 65 cm (24 to 26 in) at the withers for males, 58 to 63 cm (23 to 25 in) for females. The Large Munsterlander should be athletic, intelligent, noble, and elegant in appearance. The Large Munsterlander is one of several continental breeds of versatile hunting dogs. Una comparativa de resultados de 82 Munsterlanders con otras 104 razas versátiles llevada a cabo por la NAVHDA, muestra como éste es el más versátil de todas ellas con diferencia. Se trata de un perro de tipo Spaniel. Kommende Termine Jung- & Gebrauchshunde Kommende Termine Jung- & Gebrauchshunde Weitere aktuelle Beiträge Informationen aus dem Verband Sammlung von Berichten & Bilder, vergangener Veranstaltungen unseres Verbandes Unsere Downloads, z.B. Mitteilungsblätter in The dog should be muscular without being bulky. Den perfekte jagt og familiehund Velkommen Udgivet i 24. marts 2018 26. marts 2018 af admin. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. El Munsterlander grande (en alemán Großer Münsterländer) es una raza de perro de caza versátil originaria de la región alemana del Münster.. Hier finden Sie alle aktuellen Würfe, aufsteigend nach Datum sortiert. This field dog characteristically is calm and gentle with children and well adjusted to living in the master's dwelling. Forgot account? Free shipping. Even though . Craig Koshyk. Although the breed is one of the last of the German breeds to gain official representation by a separate breed club, the Large Munsterlander was recognised as a colour variant of the German Longhaired Pointer prior to that time. The Kennel Club (KC) en Reino Unido lo reconoce como raza en 1919, estableciéndose su estándar en 1921. The Large Munsterlander (or Großer Münsterländer) is a breed of gun dog originally from the Münster region in Germany. 100 Jahre Große Münsterländer: Chronik des Verbandes Große Münsterländer e.V. Las características versátiles de la raza le hacen una buena compañía para todas las facetas de la caza. 30-day returns. Große Münsterländer m (deprecated template usage) inflected form of Großer Münsterländer A nagy münsterlandi vizsla (Grosser Münsterländer Vorstehhund) egy a németek által kitenyésztett vizslafajta, akárcsak a kis münsterlandi vizsla vagy a weimari vizsla. Log In. May 25, 2013 - Large Munsterlander / Großer Münsterländer. Welpen, die älter als 12 Wochen sind, können Sie unter der Rubrik "Jung & Gebrauchshunde" einsehen. MITF and White Spotting in Dogs: A Population Study. Durante la búsqueda en la caza, la mayor parte de los ejemplares cubren entre 40 y 140 metros, según tipo de suelo. [3], The breed is an offshoot of the German Longhaired Pointer, and was officially recognized as a separate breed when the German Longhaired Pointer club chose to deny recognition to the black and white color variation.[2]. Großer Münsterländer. Markings occur as solid black patches, with black ticking or roan filling in the white fur in varying degrees of concentration. The Large Münsterländer is a breed of gun dog originally from the Münster region in Germany. Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Würfen, geben Ihnen gerne der Verbandszuchtwart und die jeweiligen Landesgruppen Zuchtwarte, welche Sie hier finden können. 2009. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. I starten af 1900 tallet blev den sort hvide variant udskilt fra avlen for Langhåret Hønsehund og i 1919 opstod avlsforbundet for den sort/hvide langhårede hønsehund også kaldet Großer Münsterländer efter området hvor flest af de oprindelige stamhunde fandtes. 233 people like this. El Munsterlander grande (en alemán Großer Münsterländer) es una raza de perro de caza versátil originaria de la región alemana del Münster. The breed displayed greater cooperation than other breeds and an excellent concentration in the tracking and recovery of crippled game birds. The versatile characteristics of the breed provide for a reliable companion for all facets of hunting. Create New Account. or. Schmutz, S.M., T. G. Berryere, D. L. Dreger. Vornholt, Egon; Bruno Oelmann; and Karl Wichmann (2019). Pages 17-20. published by Verband Große Münsterländer e.V., 46325 Borken, Germany, 135 pp. Adding to your cart. [6], The Large Munsterlander was introduced to North America by Kurt von Kleist in 1966. The breed first gained official recognition in the Munsterland of northwestern Germany in the early 1900s. De media, los Munsterlanders grandes trabajan más cerca y respondiendo mejor al dueño que otras razas, si bien es cierto que su instinto madura más tarde. See more of Großer Münsterländer- Vom Ortsberg on Facebook. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Großer Münsterländer on Board Cars - Vinilo adhesivo para coche, diseño de perro de Munsterlander: Coche y moto Selecciona Tus Preferencias de Cookies Utilizamos cookies y herramientas similares para mejorar tu experiencia de compra, prestar nuestros servicios, entender cómo los utilizas para poder mejorarlos, y para mostrarte anuncios. A recent comparison of the scores of 82 Large Munsterlanders with 104 other versatile breeds entered in the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) tests showed that the Large Munsterlander is a versatile dog with a difference. The Large Münsterländer (or Großer Münsterländer) is a breed of gun dog originally from the Münster region in Germany. [9], Their long and thick coat protects them against cold and allows them to search dense cover thoroughly, but as a result leaves them more susceptible to burrs.[1]. Not Now. The coat is black and white with hair of medium length. Jegyzetek Este perro de campo es calmado, se lleva bien con niños y puede adaptarse a vivir en una vivienda. German [] Noun []. [5]. Las mejores ofertas para Grande Pointer Großer Münsterländer Corbata Clip están en eBay Compara precios y características de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artículos con envío gratis! Jun 19, 2020 - 32$ : Cheap and Best Dog And Puppies SmallLimited Stock Available.Dog And Puppies Small and yellow dog collar Add to cart . Photography Subjects. Grote Münsterländer - world dog show 2010.jpg 1,200 × 1,364; 179 KB Großer Münsterländer PM16 1.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 8.24 MB KopfstudieGM.JPG 310 × 426; 14 KB [1][2], The first breed club was founded in Germany in 1919 and the breed was recognised by the Kennel Club (UK) in 1971. It was also included in several other coat color studies and the data summarized on a webpage entitled "Large Munsterlander Coat Color Genetics". This feature is not available right now. Add to Watchlist Unwatch. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. 19.11.2013 - Angela Tomkins hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Su manto largo y grueso les protege del frío permitiéndoles además buscar en lugares con vegetación densa. Information om racen, arrangementer, aktivistområder, avlsvejledning, hanhunderegister og hvalpeliste. 239 people follow this. May 16, 2020 - 32$ : Cheap and Best Dog And Puppies SmallLimited Stock Available.Dog And Puppies Small and yellow dog collar großer Münsterländer imágenes y fotos libres de derechos en ClipDealer: ein großer Münsterländer Hund im Studio fotografiert The Large Munsterlander Club of North America® was founded in 1977. Dog Willing Publications. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. This page was last edited on 6 July 2011, at 16:06. ¡Consulta la traducción alemán-inglés de Großer Münsterländer en el diccionario en línea PONS! The Large Munsterlander was included in a genetic research study and all were homozygous for the sp allele in the MITF gene that causes piebald spotting. Ben / 8 Monate alt großer Münsterländer Musik : Hartwigmedia. Entrenador de vocabulario, tablas de conjugación, opción audio gratis. Velkommen til Großer Münsterländer hjemmeside. [7]. Wolf Puppies DENNE SIDE ER UNDER OPBYGNING – målet med siden er en informationsside der jævnligt opdateres med arrangementer, informationer og fakta omkring hunderacen. Edited by Sheila & Josef Schmutz, Mister Print, Saskatoon, May 2007. Large Munsterlander Großer Münsterländer Key Ring. 25.05.2013 - Large (Grosser) Munsterlander / Großer Münsterländer The first breed club was founded in Germany in 1919 and the breed was recognised by the Kennel Club in 1971. Pointing Dogs. Shipping: Despite careful checks, we cannot accept any liability for links to third party content.
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