As a joint degree programme of UvA and VU Amsterdam, you benefit from the expertise of both research groups at both institutions and their international contacts. Institution. Forenfunktionen. Bewerbungsfrist für das folgende Wintersemester (Oktober - März): 1. Joint International Programs; Master in Management and Innovation – Double Degree Track; TUM School of Life Sciences; Inhalt des Programms . Digital Forensics and Cyber Investigation Master's Degree Requirements. The Master MESC+. Wichtiger Hinweis: Das neue Erasmus+ Programm wird voraussichtlich im Januar 2021 starten. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Jan von Allwörden/DAAD. Continue Reading about Joint Degree Program in Law and Business, Continue Reading about Joint Degree Program in Law and Government, Continue Reading about Joint Degree in Law and Public Health, Continue Reading about Joint Program in Law and Urban Planning. A. Beginning in October 2005 students from Osnabrück and students from Trento have had the opportunity to study at the partner university for two semesters. I completed my Masters in Medical Imaging under MAIA. Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft. 120 € 3,000.00 € 6,000.00. Dedicated to excellence in teaching, scholarship, and interdisciplinary exploration. The JMSW Program has been continuously accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 2000. Master's degree by research (thesis only) Master of Forensic Anthropology (research) (50770) PhD. JD/LLM, with the University of Cambridge Faculty of Law. Currently, I started my PhD under full fellowship at the University of British Columbia. If this is the case, you may … Deutsche HZB: B2 Kenntnisse in einer Unterrichtssprache der … Unter einem Joint Programme versteht man ein Master- oder Doktoratsstudium, welches von verschiedenen Hochschulen gemeinsam entwickelt wird und deren Abschluss an allen titelverleihenden Partnerinstitutionen anerkannt ist. Joining MAIA was definitely a life-changing experience. Weiterführende Studiengänge (Master) Regelstudienzeit. Sie verleihen gemeinsam den Titel Master of Arts in Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik. Master of Science, Joint Degree (M.Sc.) degree programme leads to a joint degree from the state universities in Hannover, Lisbon and Rouen called "European Legal Practice - LL.M. A master's degree (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree Programme in International Humanitarian Action. - Dr. Alessandro Bria, Post-doctoral fellow UNICLAM. Die Studierenden werden für diesen … Inhalt. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in . About MAIA 2015© Universitat de Girona / Institut de Recerca en Visió per Computador i Robòtica. It was also amazing to share my life with fellow MAIAns, professors and staff, learning from other cultures and ways to confront the world. Art des Studiums. Nominierungsfrist für das folgende Wintersemester (Oktober - März): 15. Double Degree Studium Doppelmaster. These degrees are administered by the Graduate Research School. Der Studienaufenthalt beträgt zwei bis vier Semester. Kurzbeschreibung. The master's programmes Business Analytics, Data Science and Digital Humanities are a joint venture of the faculties of Business, Economics and Statistics, Computer Science, Historical and Cultural Studies, Mathematics, and Philological and Cultural Studies. Erasmus+ has invested over €160 million in these new programmes, most of which money goes to pay for 6,490 scholarships for students from all over the world to attend these two-year master programmes. Bei einem Joint Degree existiert ein gemeinsames Studienprogramm, das mit dem Erwerb beider akademischer Grade der beteiligten Hochschulen abschließt. Betreff. Antworten Diskussionen zu Doppelmaster. Als WiWi Gast oder Login. There is a clear lack of MSc studies which cover the previously mentioned areas with a specific application to the analysis of medical images and development of CAD systems within an integrated medical imaging background. The Osnabrück Cognitive Science Institute and the Trento Cognitive Science Faculty have recently formed a joint Master's degree program in Cognitive Science. Double Degree, Dual Degree, Doppeldiplom oder -master, Doppelabschluss oder internationaler Abschluss – was sich hinter solchen Begriffen verbirgt, kann sehr unterschiedlich sein. MASTER AND MORE: Alle Infos zum Masterstudium. The program provided me with skills in the Medical Imaging field and allowed me to actively interact with leading-researchers around Europe. I did my PhD at UNICLAM (Cassino, Italy) where, in collaboration with RadboudUMC (Nijmegen, the Netherlands), I worked on the development of Computer Aided Diagnosis systems for digital mammography. (Master of Arts) or M.F.A. Master of Science, joint degree; Lehramtsstudiengänge; Staatsexamen; Promotionsmöglichkeiten; Weiterbildungs-/ Aufbaustudium; In Planung; Auslaufende Studiengänge; Mediathek zum Studienangebot; Vor dem Studium; Bewerbung & Einschreibung; Studienbeginn; Während des Studiums; Information & Beratung; Lehre an der JLU ; Einstieg mit … For my thesis, I worked on soft tissue lesion detection in digital breast tomosynthesis using domain adaptation from mammograms in Screenpoint Medical (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). The degrees are officially recognized in the countries where the degree-awarding institutions are located. Studiengänge mit Doppelabschluss findest du in der Hochschulkompass-Datenbank. Currently, as a doctoral student, I am very much glad that MAIA prepared me well enough to address the challenges in digital pathology at the Institute of Pathology, University of Bern, Switzerland. Currently, as a doctoral student I am very pleased on how MAIA boosted my career and helped me reach my goals. and the Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (UNICLAM, Italy) as partners. During my master thesis, I worked on the development of quality assessment framework for online brain MRI processing at the ViCOROB lab at the University of Girona. Bei einem Double Degree existieren hingegen zwei grundsätzlich unabhängige Studienprogramme, die … Harvard Law School offers four joint degree programs for J.D. … Joint-Master-Studierende vom Georgia Institute of Technology unterliegen besonderen Regeln und werden vom Dezernat Internationales der Universität Stuttgart direkt informiert. Immatrikulation und Teilnahme. Questions from prospective students not yet admitted to HLS should be addressed to JD Admissions. Medical Image Analysis and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems, in close development with novel imaging techniques, have revolutionised healthcare in recent years. This program is designed with specialized courses in the domain of medical imaging having intense projects and lab works centered around the idea of learning how to replicate and develop state of the art techniques. The courses taught, and the life experience acquired during these two years have proved to be essential for my career. WiWi Gast schrieb am 16.06.2020: Meine … students. WiWi Gast 26.07.2020. Joint-Degree-Abschluss absolvieren können. Voraussetzung für die Einschreibung ist ein abgeschlossenes BA … An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.. Study must take place in at least two of the Programme countries. This website uses cookies to offer you the best experience and service. Master; Peace and Conflict Studies (International Joint Degree, M.A.) Diese Webseite wird in den nächsten Wochen aktualisiert, sobald die genaue Ausgestaltung der Förderlinie im neuen Programm … Number of ECTS credit points. Double-Degree-Studiengänge zeichnen sich durch ein von mehreren Hochschulen gemeinsam entwickeltes Curriculum mit fest integriertem Auslandsaufenthalt an einer der beteiligten Partnerhochschulen als zentraler Bestandteil des Studienablaufs aus. Gender Studies bilden wie andere Geistes- und Gesellschaftswissen auch, nicht für ein spezifisches Berufsbild aus, sondern für den Quereinstieg. I am a MAIA graduate and it has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Wenn Sie Ihr Studium an einer unserer Partnerhochschulen beginnen wollen, müssen Sie sich dort regulär bewerben und anschließend Ihr Auslandsstudium an der OVGU über die Direktbewerbung beantragen. For me, MAIA was not only about research skills that prepared me for future opportunities in the domain of medical imaging and applications but also improved my interpersonal and management skills with extensive exposure to a rich multicultural environment. Senden. The MAIA master has introduced me to practical applications of machine learning and image analysis to solve existing difficulties when dealing with analyzing medical images. 29 Beiträge. The two-year full-time consecutive postgraduate LL.M. An international joint masters is an education programme, organised jointly by two or more higher education institutions that belong to the countries’ official education system and that leads to a higher education degree. University of Cambridge Joint Degree Program, Special Notice Regarding Course Textbooks, Cross-Registration Instructions for HLS Students, Consumer Information (ABA Required Disclosures). Each school will independently review and accept applicants. Einschreibungen sind zu jedem Semester an jeder der drei Universitäten möglich. Joint Degree Programs. Aktiviere bei dem Menüpunkt „Studiengangsmerkmale“ das Kästchen „internationaler Doppelabschluss möglich“. Das Masterstudium English and American Studies wird im Rahmen eines Joint Degree Programmes in Kooperation mit folgenden internationalen Hochschulen angeboten: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Deutschland), City College of The City University of New York (USA), Universität Pécsi Tudományegyetem (Ungarn), Ca’ Foscari Universität Venedig (Italien) … Joint Master Degree Program: Osnabrück - Trento/Rovereto. Join MAIA to be part of this revolution and impact your career! Das "Double Degree"- Programm wird durch einen festgelegten Studienplan in der Regel nur mit Beginn zum Wintersemester angeboten. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree Programme in International Humanitarian Action is an inter-university multidisciplinary postgraduate programme that provides high quality academic education and professional competences for personnel working or intending to work in the … Leider fehlt eine zentrale … Master of Environmental Science (coursework or coursework and dissertation) (72530 (Semester 1)) Research degrees. A master's double degree consists of two national degrees awarded by the two higher education institutions offering the joint programme attesting the successful completion of this programme. Latest information from Harvard Law School’s news publications and multimedia channels. Das Curriculum ist dabei so integriert, dass es zwingend erforderlich ist, an beiden Hochschulen zu studieren. If you are trying to finish a joint Masters degree program in an amount of time comparable to what it would take to complete one Masters degree, you may find it necessary to take summer classes. Der Joint Degree Master Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik wird von den Universitäten Basel, Luzern und Zürich in Kooperation angeboten. Studierende erhalten entweder einen gemeinsamen Abschluss (joint degree) oder den nationalen Abschluss (double degree… Our curriculum is designed with input from employers, industry experts, and scholars. Der multidisziplinäre englischsprachige Studiengang „Peace and Conflict Studies“ wird in Kooperation mit der University of Kent durchgeführt. Regelstudienzeit 4 Semester Studienform Vollzeitstudium Lehrsprache Englisch Studienbeginn Wintersemester Studienort Zentralcampus Cottbus Vorpraktikum nicht notwendig Semestergebühr 321,03 € Akkreditiert durch ACQUIN Zulassungsverfahren zulassungsfrei Kontakte Allgemeine Studienberatung. Navigation und Suche der Universität Osnabrück. Der Joint Degree Masterstudiengang Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik wird von den Universitäten Basel, Luzern und Zürich angeboten. For further information about these programs, current HLS students may contact the Associate Director of Academic Affairs. The Joint MS in Computer Science /MBA Degree Program (CS/MBA) enables students to pursue simultaneously a Master of Business Administration at the Graduate School of Business (GSB) and a Master of Science in Computer Science at the Stanford School of Engineering. The MAIA (MedicAl Imaging and Applications) master is a 2 years’ joint master degree (120 ECTS) coordinated by the University of Girona (UdG, Spain) and with the University of Bourgogne (uB, France) and the Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (UNICLAM, Italy) as partners. Therefore, I completed my thesis mainly focused on the stain heterogeneity in histopathology images for machine learning-based diagnosis. Damit werden auch die Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters wieder ausgeschrieben. Zulassung Master of Law; MLaw UZH; MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law; Double Degree; Joint Degree Lausanne. Niederlande-Deutschland-Studien (Joint Degree der Radboud University und der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster) - Radboud University in Nimwegen, Niederlande EMJMDs aim to: Foster excellence, innovation, and internationalisation in HEIs; … A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. In collaboration with six Harvard University graduate schools, Harvard Business School has created seven joint degree programs designed to prepare individuals for complex leadership challenges that balance expertise with effective management skills. In some cases, these types of options may be limited based on your funding or coursework your learning institution offers during the summer. MBA/Master's Degree in Asset Management MBA/JD with Yale Law School (Three-Year or Four-Year) MBA/MEM or MF with Yale School of the Environment MBA/MA in Global Affairs with the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs MBA/MD with Yale School of Medicine MBA/MPH with Yale School of Public Health (Two-Year or Three-Year) The Law School offers joint degree programs with Harvard Business School, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard T.H. Doctor of Philosophy (00810) It is a rich path in terms of content, but also in terms of adaptability and autonomy. Wintersemester, Sommersemester Hauptunterrichtssprache. You can study, for example, one year at a European … De Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen / ERASMUS+ Joint Master Degrees / Katharina Reinhardt / Alexandra Braye Auswahlverfahren 2. These newly-selected programmes will be added to the list of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees later during the summer 2020, making a total of around 120 available programmes. Prüfungsordnung Joint Degree-Master (2012) Tätigkeitsfelder für Absolvent*innen der Gender Studies. Joint Degree (Master of Laws) Steckbrief. Joint master degree programmes 2020/2021. If you continue browsing, it is understood that you accept our cookies policy. Moreover, the medical technology industry has detected a growing need of expert graduates in this field. Joint Degree bis FS 21; Joint Degree ab HS 21; Für UZH Studierende; Für UNIL Studierende; Minor Recht; Prüfungen; Doktoratsstudium; Mobilität; Lehrdiplom für Maturitätsschulen; Notariatsstudiengang; E-Learning; Kontaktformular I'm a graduate student of the MAIA masters program. Successful candidates are awarded the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree and the Master of Arts (MA) degree in Economics at the conclusion of the two and one half year period. I am really satisfied with how this master helped me in boosting my professional career. Deutsch, Englisch Sprachanforderungen. The Joint Master of Social Work Program is a unique program between North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. The joint degree program normally requires two and one half years of study. Duration. Where theory meets practice: curricular depth and experiential learning. 11 . Institute of Cognitive Science. STUDIENGANG: Chemical and Energy Engineering mit dem German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies (GRIAT, Russland) Abschluss: M.Sc… These programmes are two-year Master’s programmes, where you study at two universities and graduate from both. Master's degree. This master’s degree is the right degree not just for holders of a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering but also in closely related fields in either Engineering (e.g., Electrical, Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering, …) or Science (e.g., Mathematics and Physics, …) who pursue a deeper knowledge of information technology and its applications. Sie verleihen gemeinsam den Titel Master of Arts in Religion – Wirtschaft – Politik. Das interdisziplinäre Studieren vermittelt dabei die Fähigkeit, sich schnell und kompetent in neue Themenbereiche … Joint Degree bis FS 21; Joint Degree ab HS 21; Für UZH Studierende; Für UNIL Studierende. Auch einige unserer Correspondents haben einen Doppelabschluss … The MAIA master provided me with a stimulating environment to learn about different imaging techniques and image processing algorithms applicable in the medical field. Die Programme sind so vielseitig, weil die Inhalte in Kooperationsverträgen mit ausländischen Partner-Hochschulen individuell ausgehandelt werden. Hauptinhalt Peace and Conflict Studies (International Joint Degree, M.A.) Studiengang gesucht? - Mahlet Birhanu, Research Software Engineer at Erasmus MC, - Doiriel Vanegas, Custom Implant Designer at Stryker, - Roberto Paolella, PhD student in a Marie Curie Project. An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs) and, where relevant, other partners with specific expertise and interest in the study programme. It was a wonderful experience to work with the three universities involved in this masters program. In this joint degree of UvA and VU Amsterdam you can specialise in topics offered by both universities. The Master's programme is coordinated by a consortium. S. (Master of Science) – This degree could be earned in a wide range of science, health and even social science professions. Fee per study year. The President and Fellows of Harvard College. Those developments have allowed doctors to achieve a much more accurate diagnosis, at an early stage, of the most important diseases. Doppelmaster-Studium Uni Hohenheim oder Köln + Auslandssemester . During the MAIA master program, I witnessed several academic and research institutions in France, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland. The MAIA (MedicAl Imaging and Applications) master is a 2 years’ joint master degree (120 ECTS) coordinated by the University of Girona (UdG, Spain) and with the University of Bourgogne (uB, France). Der Joint Master's Degree wird gemeinsam mit der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz angeboten und bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeiten im Rahmen ihres Auslandssemester Forschung und Praxis an der Partneruniversität kennenzulernen. As a side-project in collaboration with Allen Institute for Brain Science (Seattle, U.S.A.) and University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome (Rome, Italy), I also worked on ultra-Terabyte whole mouse brain image visualisation and assisted analysis. Das Besondere an diesem Studiengang ist aber vor allem, dass Sie den Mastergrad der beiden Universitäten verliehen bekommen. If you are interested in one of the programs, you must apply separately to each school. Qualität Projektkonzeption und Durchführung • Aufbau und Inhalt des Programms inkl. - Tajwar Aleef, PhD Student at the University of British Columbia. During my thesis, I worked on cardiac MRI by proposing cutting-edge methodologies to assist radiologists. Antworten auf Dual/Joint Degree Master Programme. In the Master's programme Computational Science you learn to develop computational models based on observations and data from physical, social, earth, economic and life sciences. Unrivaled access to opportunities and support for career goals. 1. Europäische Rechtspraxis LL.M. The MESC+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree is a 2-year programme in Materials Science and Electrochemistry, fully taught in English, involving 5 Universities in 4 European countries (France, Poland, Slovenia and Spain), 2 Universities in USA and Australia, a European Research Institute (ALISTORE), the French Network on Energy Storage (RS2E), the … Currently, I'm enrolled as a PhD student in a Marie Curie project (B-Q MINDED). März. This … With the mobility between the three universities in France, Italy, and Spain, I had the opportunity to meet, work and study under a diverse group of specialized researchers. Now, I am happy to continue my work at UNICLAM as post-doctoral fellow and am extremely grateful to collaborate with world-leading researchers in their respective fields. Portalweite Schnellsuche This program allowed me to jointly work with some of the biggest research groups working in medical imaging in Europe. Fee per programme . I was able to grow both professionally and personally, acquiring skills for my future career while visiting new countries and making lifelong bonds with my multicultural classmates. Zur Übersicht der Seitenbereiche Beginn des Seitenbereichs: Inhalt: Joint Master's Programme . Double degrees and joint Master’s degrees are demanding and selective programs that offer talented students the opportunity to develop skills that complement those acquired in the basic training of their home institution, at national or international level. (Master of Fine Arts) – Both of these degrees cover topics including education, communication, social sciences and music. In Joint-Degree-Programmen erhältst du ein gemeinsames Zeugnis der beteiligten Hochschulen. I am truly grateful for the new opportunities that have resulted from the completion of this challenging and rewarding master program. During the two years of the MAIA master's program, I became well-equipped academically and socially with the help of very cooperative colleagues and faculty members in all the participating universities. Zulassung Master of Law; MLaw UZH; MLaw UZH International and Comparative Law; Double Degree; Joint Degree Lausanne. University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Lumière Universite Lyon 2 (France), National University of Ireland, Ollscoil … Click the button below to begin the application process. You'll learn theories combined with real-world applications and practical skills you can apply on the job right away. Technology behind the development of CAD systems stems from various research areas in computer science such as: artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, computer vision, image processing and sensors and acquisition. Die Studierenden verbringen jeweils ein akademisches Jahr in … Treasures collected from around the world, for the world. The knowledge I obtained enabled me to develop frameworks for computer-aided diagnosis that I could put into practice during my internship. Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes - Joint degree (CREOLE) 2 years. Joint Degrees within Stanford University Stanford Law School offers three types of joint degree—JD/Master's, JD/MD, and JD/PhD—in 21 subject Traveling to multiple cities has positively influenced the way I see and relate with my environment. Als Joint Programme AbsolventIn profitierst du so von einem Abschluss (als Double oder Joint Degree), der deine Chancen am … Joint Degree". MAIA has been one of the greatest experiences in my life. Joint- bzw. Das Masterstudium European Joint Master in English and American Studies wird von den Instituten für Anglistik und für Amerikanistik der Karl-Franzens Universität Graz und den beteiligten Partneruniversitäten angeboten. In addition to boosting my professional career, MAIA has exposed me to an international community of students and researchers, and helped me to discover and learn about different cultures. Without any doubt a time I will always cherish. This program offers Harvard JD candidates the opportunity to earn a Cambridge LLM and a Harvard JD in a total of three and a half years. In the Master's programme Computer Science you are taught by scientists who have a reputation for world-class research on computer systems, software, networking and online systems. Chan School of Public Health, and Harva It gave me the opportunity to deepen into imaging analysis techniques and to collaborate with experts in the field all across Europe. T +49 (0) 355 69 … Joint … While working on several medical imaging modalities for diagnosis, I found my interest in histopathology image analysis. Overview. Termine. 4 Semester Studienbeginn. Juni Unlike the joint degree - which is a single document -, the double degree consists of … Joint Master's Programme; Ende dieses Seitenbereichs. Questions should be directed to Sara Zucker, Director, HLS International Legal Studies Programs.
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