With Max Riemelt, Katharina Schüttler, Hanno Koffler. ! Sweeney) traps her in an elevator. Sinoposis Freier Fall: Perspective de carieră în poliție, soția … Albträumer. Freier Fall) — дебютний фільм-драма німецького режисера Штефана Лаканта 2013 року. Und werdender Vater. Descriere Film Cădere liberă - Free Fall - Freier Fall - 2013 Film Cădere liberă - Free Fall - Freier Fall - 2013 online in romana. Прем'єра фільму відбулася в лютому 2013 року в рамках фестивалю Берлінале в категорії «Перспективне німецьке кіно». This comes after the producers received thousands of messages from members of the audience asking to know what happened next to the two police officers, Marc and Kay. One piece of good news - Kurhaus production says they are still working on making Freier Fall 2/Freel Fall 2 happen (though difficult with the world as it is now... ). The IndieGoGo campaign is from the same production house that created Freier Fall, Kurhaus Production from Berlin, Germany. Freier Fall *** Marc ist bei der Bereitschaftspolizei. alo-homo-ra. Zu diesem Zweck startete eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne für "Freier Fall 2". 630. 8 tháng 2, 2013 () 23 tháng 5, 2013 () (Đức) () Độ dài. A woman (Sarah Butler) tries to flee after discovering a dangerous secret about her boss (Malcolm McDowell), but an assassin (D.B. goal in life: being filthy rich and funding small independent filmmakers and/or production houses. Free Fall 2 Gledanje Online Sa Prevodom ★★★★☆ 8.2/10 na temelju 9730 recenzija na Netflix. Plot unknown. Production Report featured in German Films Quarterly 02/2015 Actors Hanno Koffler and Max Riemelt are set to be reunited with director Stephan Lacant for a sequel of their successful drama FREE FALL … Perspektive Deutsches Kino (Perspectives on German Cinema): the name says it all. Zarada : 139.090.649 USD. We need to promote the shit out of it and get the money together so they can make the movie, guys!! Production company; 2019/2020. 1.9K. Naslov izvornika : Free Fall 2. 50 talking about this. This comes after the producers received thousands of messages from members of the audience asking to know what happened next to the two police officers, Marc and Kay. FREE FALL 2: PRODUTORA REVELA NOVIDADES SOBRE O ENREDO DO FILME E PRAZOS. 77a 76530 Baden-Baden/Germany phone +49-7221 302 1906 fax +7221-3021 909 [email protected] Perspective de carieră în poliție, soția însărcinată, vila plătită cu împrumut de părinți: viața lui Marc e bine aranjată. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna ... Freier Fall 2 being actually made isn’t set in stone. FREE FALL 2 (FREIER FALL 2) Freier Fall 2 full movie, online, free; ... Production Company kurhaus production Language German Contact kurhaus production Film & Medien GmbH Fremersbergstr. I thought Freier Fall was a beautiful and very moving film. Movies Like Free Fall. The sequel to 2013's Freier Fall. Recent Top. «Вільне падіння» (нім. Caída libre, Queda Livre, Szabadesés, Sila przyciagania, Slobodan pad, 警校禁戀 Genres. Country. «سقوط آزاد» (آلمانی: Freier Fall ) فیلمی در ژانر درام است که در سال ۲۰۱۳ منتشر شد. Freier Fall DVD jetzt bei macronova.se online bestellen. We now have a script version that is ready to be taken out to potential partners in order to finance the sequels production. Glavne uloge : Jock Hadjer. 210. ... FREE FALL 2 - FREIER FALL 2 - Crowdfunding - Pitch Video. A follow-up film to Stephan Lacant's 2013 film 'Free Fall'. Auf einer Fortbildung verliebt er sich in seinen Kollegen Kay. Language: English Location: United States Regizat de Stephan Lacant. Summer Storm. Freier Fall 2 on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events Nachtwald. Kurhaus Production Film & Medien GmbH (Baden-Baden) Language German Filmography. Free Fall 2 - Freier Fall 2 - How Free Fall started for Max Riemelt - Duration: 64 seconds. Alternative Titles. Kurhaus Production; Südwestrundfunk (SWR) (co-production) Freier Fall (2013) Review by JvH48 from Amersfoort, The Netherlands I saw this film as part of the Berlinale 2013 film festival, in thesection named Perspektive Deutsches Kino (Perspectives of German film).The venue with 525 seats was fully booked. 1.2K. romance drama. Language. Free Fall 2 - Freier Fall - Crowdfunding Teaser. Fans des Filmdramas warten daher gespannt auf eine Fortsetzung. Februar Filme in großer Auswahl: Jetzt Freier Fall als DVD online bei macronova.se bestellen. I have already watched it twice and am planning to watch it again soon. Log in Sign up. The journey into the future of filmmaking begins here, for directors and producers as well as for all the other film disciplines. kurhaus production. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Production Companies: Kurhaus Production, Südwestrundfunk. 81,547 views; 3 years ago; CC; This item has been hidden. Freier Fall - Cădere liberă. Being a married man and a father to be, Marc is torn between his family and his love for Kay. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der ihm vertrauten Welt und dem Rausch der neuen Erfahrung, gerät ihm sein Leben zusehends aus der Hand. 2021. از بازیگران آن میتوان به مکس ریملت اشاره کرد. freier fall 2 A ctors Hanno Koffler and Max Riemelt are set to be reunited with director Stephan Lacant for a sequel of their successful drama FREE FALL from 2013. Свободное падение (2013) - Free Fall - Freier Fall - фильм - информация о фильме - европейские фильмы - Кино-Театр. Follow. German. Discover more posts about kurhaus-production. 2013 ‘Freier Fall ’ Directed by ... Kurhaus Production Südwestrundfunk. Free Fall 2 Gledanje Online Sa Prevodom. Însă la o instruire îl întâlnește pe colegul său Kay. The section opens up various perspectives on the German film landscape. Directed by Stephan Lacant. Freier Fall 2 (2021) - informacje o filmie w bazie Filmweb.pl. I am just happy that the project is not dead (thank you @torispn15 for sharing ️) Movie Tags:lgbt homophobia infidelity. Berlinale Goes Kiez – Freier Fall | Free Fall Berlinale 2013 Marc is shaken to the core when he meets fellow police officer, Kay, on a training course and begins to develop feelings for him. Distributie Hanno Koffler, Katharina Schüttler, Max Riemelt. 122.059€!!! Free Fall 2Actors Hanno Koffler and Max Riemelt are set to be reunited with director Stephan Lacant for a sequel of their successful drama "Freier Fall" ("Free Fall") from 2013. Production company; 2019-2021. Branded the German Brokeback Mountain, 'Free Fall' is an honest and beautiful tale of courage, love and acceptance. Freier Fall. Germany. König Bansah und seine Tochter. Production company; 2019/2020. Oceny, recenzje, obsada, dyskusje wiadomości, zwiastuny, ciekawostki oraz galeria. Leading a double life, he finds himself in free fall and realises that try as he may, he will never be able to make everyone happy. ... Kurhaus Production, Südwestrundfunk (SWR) Kurhaus Production; Südwestrundfunk (SWR) Phát hành: Edition Salzgeber: Công chiếu. What’s great about the campaign is that the two main leads are more than willing to return for the sequel. The overall budget of the film still is about 3 million Euro. The two actors even did a pitch video and talked about what fans could expect if Free Fall 2 is made. Freier Fall 2. 100 mins More details at IMDb TMDb Report this film. ... Distributer : Wogpro Productions - Kurhaus Production. kurhaus production ist eine freie Filmproduktion, die im Frühjahr 2007 von Christoph Holthof und Daniel Reich gegründet wurde Free Fall on the Web:Official Website. Free Fall (German: Freier Fall) is a 2013 German drama film directed by Stephan Lacant who also wrote the script with Karsten Dahlem, and starring Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt, and Katharina Schüttler.The film tells the story of police officer, Marc Borgmann (Koffler), who lives with his pregnant girlfriend, Bettina Bischoff (Schüttler). I always think that is a mark of a very good film, if you can watch it several times without getting tired of it.
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