6. Hi guys, i know i had to rob a treasure hunter and get the map from him, but i didn't (i thought maybe the game will allow me to help him at some point), and i beat the game. Close. Will the random encounter still present itself around Valentine and Wallace Station or is it too late? We will update this section with RDR2's potentially unique … Can't find High Stakes Treasure Map after 15+ hours. However, not all hope is lost. Now he is … Most likely, this spot would be found in the city of Blackwater. As we get further and further into the story, it is possible that one might open up. High Stakes Treasure Map Encounter. The suit says you wear it to play high stakes in Blackwater, cant figure out exactly where though. So i'm 90% Total Completion and 100% Story Completion. Im currently in Epilogue 1 on my 1.st playthrough and at 87% total completion. I cant get the guy spawn. I've made my way around there a few times and never come across this guy. Archived. I have done all the challenges except for the high stakes treasure. Red Dead Redemption 2 High Stakes Treasure Maps It is a prerequisite to complete Chapter 3 before you start with this because the Stranger … https://gameplay.tips/guides/3272-red-dead-redemption-2.html Redemption 2 High Stakes Treasure Map Hunt (Location & Solution High Stakes Treasure Map #3 Complete the first two steps to get the maps before traveling up the snowy mountains to Barrow Lagoon, a frozen … User Info: Levrar. Issue. So I've spent over 15 hours just riding between the spots shown in guides looking for this treasure map. This has players rightfully asking if there is a Red Dead Redemption 2 high stakes poker spot. High Stakes Treasure Map Missed; User Info: ZetEichAr. Issue. "For the first time, I'm glad to have you as my father" Tidus, Final Fantasy X----Xbox Live Tag and PSN: Everlore. Unfortunately, as of right now, we can’t find one. Hi guys, i just signed up only to ask for help regarding the high stakes treasure hunter location. ZetEichAr 2 years ago #1. I never encountered the random stranger treasure hunter. How to solve the Red Dead Redemption 2 High Stakes treasure map 1 The first map leads to to Cumberland Falls, which is a short distance east of Wallace Station, in the north of West Elizabeth. Can't find High Stakes Treasure Map after 15+ hours. Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) PC Cheats The PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 released on October 26, 2019. Question. Levrar 10 years ago #5. Posted by 2 years ago.
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