tripping with nils frahm
87. Tripping with Nils Frahm – Film & Live Album out now Today sees the release of the concert film and live album Tripping with Nils Frahm. No subtitles. ‘Tripping with Nils Frahm’ captures one of the world’s most sought-after live acts performing at one of Berlin’s most iconic buildings. „Tripping With Nils Frahm“ ist ein starker Konzertfilm, der sich auf Frahms eigene Welt konzentriert. Trailer. TRIPPING WITH NILS FRAHM | Official Trailer | Exclusively on … 1h 27min | Documentary, Music | 3 December 2020 (USA) It captures one of the world's most sought-after live acts performing at … November 26, 2020. Boomkat Product Review: "When Nils Frahm kicked off his world tour at Funkhaus Berlin in January 2018 to bring his highly acclaimed studio album All Melody to the stage, an ambitious journey was just to … None. MP3. When Nils Frahm kicked off his world tour at Funkhaus Berlin in January 2018 to bring his highly acclaimed album ‘All Melody’ to the stage, an ambitious journey was just to begin: Over the next two years, Frahm played more than … lossy 320kbps download. The film is out at full length on December 3, exclusively on … Tripping with Nils Frahm is an illustration of Nils’s lauded ability as a composer and passionate live artist as well as the enchanting atmosphere of his captivating, and already legendary Funkhaus shows: An extraordinary musical trip – rare and exclusive, close and intimate, bringing a unique concert experience to the screen. FLAC. Cat No: ERATP136DL Release date: 03 December 2020 Label: Erased Tapes Genre: MODERN CLASSICAL / AMBIENT. View. Tripping with Nils Frahm. Tripping with Nils Frahm is produced by LEITER in association with Plan B. 2LP. LTR.001 – FILM – 2020. Following the announcement of his live album and concert film Tripping with Nils Frahm to be released early December, Nils shares a first excerpt titled Fundamental Values both in video and audio format. Konzertfilm-Sehen, wie Musik entsteht: „Tripping With Nils Frahm“. Directed by. Frahm hat die Säle in Dresden vermessen – vom Soci ging es in die Dreikönigskirche, in den Beatpol und Alten Schlachthof, schließlich in den Kulturpalast und dann auf die Weltklassebühnen. CD. Tripping with Nils Frahm. WAV. £9.00. Synopsis. An iconic artist at an iconic location. In basket. Benoit Toulemonde. Germany, United States, 2020. TRIPPING WITH NILS FRAHM. When Nils Frahm kicked off his world tour at Funkhaus Berlin in January 2018 to bring his highly acclaimed studio album All Melody to the stage, an ambitious … "Tripping With Nils Frahm" vereint die großen Hits des Pianisten mit Gedanken an Zeiten, in denen man noch dicht gedrängt vor Bühnen stand und Publikum und Künstler eins wurde. A live album by the same name is also released December 3 on Erased Tapes. A legendary artist at a legendary location: Tripping with Nils Frahm captures one of the world’s most sought-after live acts performing at one of Berlin’s most iconic buildings. Ben testimonia tutto questo, dunque, Tripping with Nils Frahm, selezione di registrazioni prelevate da quattro performance tenute (nel corso del tour mondiale di All melody, la cui produzione ha avuto luogo proprio nello studio di Frahm racchiuso tra quelle mura) presso la mitica Funkhaus di Berlino nel gennaio 2018 e trasformate anche in un film concerto ad opera del fido Benoît … A legendary artist at a legendary location. MP3. TRIPPING WITH NILS FRAHM captures a series of mesmerising live performances at the iconic Funkhaus Berlin on the pianist, composer and producer’s sold-out, worldwide All Melody tour. Music, Documentary.
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