Relogged, changed warframe, etc. Jump into the air and use Aim Glide while casting Grenade Fan repeatedly. How do I cheez her? Pickups are still subject to squad-wide pickup count limit and will despawn from the oldest to the newest after the limit is reached. Protea is the 43rd Warframe to be released (excluding Primed and Umbra variants). this thread is completely off the charts. i found it easy with Nezha (max ability strenght for warding halo) and Pyranha as a secondary- pyranha shreds thru Prothea and with warding halo i can ignore spectres only use them as load for Xoris. Repeat that three times. This allows Protea to reorient herself by moving the reticle between throws to create lines of Shrapnel Vortexes facing different directions. A pollen cloud visual effect bursts upward as a pickup is spawned. SOLUTION: Feedback showed that having the option to Invert the ‘Tap/Hold’ across the board to all valid Warframes was not ideal, as some Ability default functionalities are preferred. Fixed crash when using Protea's Temporal Anchor Ability. When you face her, it's already too late. Fixed Protea's Blaze Artillery not targeting enemies in Mag's Magnetize bubble if Mag is Modded to have a high Power Strength. Upon selecting the ‘Invert Tap/Hold Abilities’ in the Options menu, you'll be met with a new screen allowing you to pick and choose which valid Warframes this applies to! You don't use xoris to damage her. It’s so stupid it’s not even funny. The base Durations are now all a consistent 10s. Shield satellite uses a custom model that resembles a spherical device with visible mechanical parts. Dispensary supply cache uses a custom model that resembles a floating and rotating vase, opening up its three petals to reveal a floral design. Fixed Temporal Anchor not removing/preventing Status Effects during the rewind. whats not told about the weapon is its really slow to return if you miss, and to throw it you'll miss 80% of the time for those ethereal corpus if they are moving AT ALL, but they stay still for half a second, but wait when you get 1 protea bar down and blast her she starts using the gunsen vortex, which if you were not paying attention before, kills a high-end inaros in less than a second, give or take 1/4 of a second, nothing is really explained at all, thats the biggest problem, im giving this game another break for a while, atleast until they do something about Prometheus there, id bet only about 1 of her abilities has anything to do with time manipulation, and i bet it doesn't function like the multitude of time abilities she uses during the fight, and im also betting DE wont explain why shes harder than the original golem arch wing fight, and harder than kela de thaym updated fight [ because its makes no canonical sense and no sense in a mechanics perspective], i can tell you right now, one of the DEVs is getting off on people struggling with a weapon category that was initially added to the game as an Easter egg from dark sector, its a horrible weapon all around, protea is WAY to hard for the level of mission, and for more proof on the idiocracy that is protea specter, her gunsen spiral shreds an inaros with almost 6000 health and 500 armor in less than a second, ive played this game for YEARS soloed just about every boss with inaros since he was released, and destroyed a raid boss or two back when they existed (not as inaros obviously) and now they introduce a boss thats already hard, then heavily cripple the player by forcing them to use a throwing melee weapon, also disabling the highest DPS weapons in the game [almost all melee weapons] and still they make that weapon REEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLYYYYYYY weak, and they sit back laughing as alot of the player base struggle and a segment just flat out quits from the torture they put them through, they dont thoroughly think these things through, the parts for here are supposedly even worse to get than actually fighting her Use this behavior to your advantage to spread the damage around and apply. So I would do as long a burst on the Ignis as I could until her attention turned to attacking me. Utilize Protea's passive for a chance to create more pickups per supply cache. How To Farm Protea. Protea is the method to the madness. I've gone up against Protea with several high-end 'frames, all of which have over a thousand health and close to that in shielding, along with some pretty high-end weapons, and I've accomplished nothing. Ihr findet hier eine komplette Liste aller Module von Warframe inkl. I am not fond of glaive weapons like others, and I originally went in with Mirage + Ignis Wraith + Pyrana + Xoris. You are on the right track with Mesa: do not fight Protea in melee.Her Gunsen are absolute shullbit and completely unbalanced for a "level 15" mission The other part, where she regenerates her health, is the central puzzle mechanic: once you've depleted one of her four health bars, she will rewind time to get her health back UNLESS you hit her with a fully-charged Xoris … Protea reconfigures Grenades to work as overcharging shield generators, protecting her, her allies and companions. As every shot is a critical hit, it will deal increased headshot multipliers to certain enemies, such as. Using this ability inside The Index has the potential to stop all Energy Dispensers from spawning energy orbs for the rest of the match, for all players. Grenades appear frequently throughout Protea's idle animations in various forms, from being rolled along Protea's arms and shoulders, to being juggled hackysack-style, or hit hockey-style when speargun primary weapons are equipped. None of my guns could do it, and so I was always vulnerable to her attacks. Ready for any eventuality, the versatile Protea uses her many gadgets to overcome the odds. Got up to 600 Energy pretty fast, with one more Dash before I went after the baddies. The victim and beneficiary of Parvos Granum's research into Specter Particle Theory, this is all that remains of the Protea Warframe who sacrificed herself to keep Granum safe in a pocket realm beyond time. Once she spawns charge up the XORIS on the adds. So after dying a lot, I came and read every forum on the subject, and I killed her in the next try easily with the following items / methods. Somewhere between 5-10 seconds per burst. Shrapnel grenades, shield satellites, artillery turret, and supply cache each have unique models with compacted and deployed versions, as well as customized animations. 150 (225 at rank 30) Protea will deploy the Dispensary toward the direction her character model is facing at the end of the casting animation. Blaze Artillery is an invulnerable object that hovers in front and above Protea as she deploys it. Once I understood the mechanism of the Glaive weapon, the battle went smoothly. I don't think that fight with her was longer than 30 seconds. I only use her as a last ditch resort. Protea’s Dispensary location is now displayed on the minimap in the form of the Ability icon. Temporal Anchor uses a translucent model of Protea that mimics her pose on the ability cast. Warframe demonstriert die Zeitreise-Fähigkeit von Protea Die Entwicklung von Warframes neuesten Kampfanzug macht Fortschritte. She's modded out to have a VERY slow energy burn with *850* energy pool AND her sleep arrow allowed me to take out the treasurer within a moment of time because oh he couldn't move! When Protea tries to rewind explode the fully charged glaive to deny it. Protea was assigned to be the bodyguard of Parvos Granum, the Founder of the Corpus, as part of an undisclosed deal he made with the Orokin. Die neue Quest hat der Entwickler hingegen verschwiegen. Protea returned in Update 28: The Deadlock Protocol. Record at least 1 damage point to trigger a temporal implosion on rewind. None Protea's appearance seems to be inspired by historical odalık outfits. I am not sure if the Range mod helped with the successful explosions despite inaccuracy, but it seemed to expand the hit box for the explosion. Sign up for a new account in our community. The main issue is that while I can take her life bar down part way with my Ignis Wraith, or with Kuva weapons, I cannot seem to do the slightest damage with that new toy, the Xoris, which seems pretty clearly designed to handicap players, not help them. If one player picks up an item, it will only disappear for that player while other players can collect their instances at their leisure. Casting Blaze Artillery is an upper-body animation that allows movement. Assault and skirmish with plasmic blasts, rapidly incinerating foes under laser focus. Javascript not loaded, Result table not loaded. It's actually very hard to miss on heavy attack. Shrapnel Vortexes stun and push enemies away by staggering them on hit. . I appreciate each of you and your assistance. Go it alone or assemble a 4-member squad and raid the Solar System to develop your Warframe's abilities and destroy enemy forces. Due to the punch-through of plasma streams, it is ideal to deploy Blaze Artilleries near the ground to align the shots with crowds of enemies. Once fully charged with 3 power bars, the leftmost slot glows intensely and the bonus ready message is shown above. Ignis Wraith - for comparison purpose I have it modded for Heat & Viral doing about 900 damage total and modded for Crit (True Steel) and Range (Sinister Reach). All fluctuations in Protea's stats, such as gains in ammo or loss of energy, are overridden by the saved amounts of the anchor upon rewind. Increased Duration of Blaze Artillery by 1 second, and doubled the Damage multiplier to compete against higher level enemies. Chuck it and explode it near the “charge things” to collect charge. Luckily this is false. Then activate Prowl and back into the final battle. Casting Grenade Fan is a full-body animation that allows movement with enforced height displacement. Removed the increased animation speed for Protea’s custom Roll animation to bring it back to what was originally showcased. Warframe Protea build tips With such powerful abilities and a built-in passive affecting Ability Strength, building towards that in her mods is a natural choice for a strong Warframe Protea build. Recast the Dispensary after it has produced a set of pickups to create another set. All animations and sounds related to Protea's actions, including sounds from her environment during the ability are recorded then played in reverse when she rewinds. The explosion is 3D -- not quite spherical, but with more than enough vertical reach, I can't see anywhere on-screen where it tells me if/when the Xoris has reached "full charge", so there's no apparent way to tell when I might be ready to somehow do any kind of damage to Protea that she can't immediately heal from. I managed to do this, after much pain and suffering, but I still got shredded each time it happened. This invulnerability window is an important add based on all the ways players have used Temporal Anchor thus far - that key survivability reaction should include invulnerability. but trying to make the Xoris work, it seems to be a horizontal-only weapon that I'm supposed to use against enemies that move in 3 dimensions. The remaining parts will drop from Granum Void, read this guide about farming granum crowns. Cannons visually recoil when firing plasma charges, as particle effects pour out from the firing cannon followed by the plasma stream surging through the air at high speed. PROTEA Blueprint Blueprint for Protea is awarded by completing The Deadlock Protocol quest. Protea is the fifth Warframe to receive a custom dodge animation, alongside Limbo, Hildryn, Wisp, and Titania Prime. If an active Atmospheric Archgun runs out of ammo reserves while Protea is anchored, the Archgun will briefly disappear then reappear with the stored ammo count once Protea rewinds. All of Protea's gadgets are affected by her Appearance colors. Quests sind eine Folge von miteinander verbundenen Missionen, die verschiedene Belohnungen bei Beendigung und einiges an Handlung und Geschichte aus dem Warframe Universum bereithalten. There is no mistaking it. Can be recast while active to deploy a new Dispensary while removing the active cache, dropping multiple new pickups at a different location. Casting Dispensary is a full-body animation that allows movement. The Warframe Specter, reinvigorated by her kin, turns hostile and attacks the Tenno and Nef Anyo's fleet with an army of Errant Specters; Parvos Granum reveals that he had been using Nef Anyo in order to summon the Tenno to his domain. Help with Protea Quest *possible spoilers* Question/Request. It may not show up until you hit one charge. Increased Duration of both Offensive and Defensive grenades by 3 seconds. The ONLY thing that would damage her enough to move her bars down was Exalted Umbra Blade.
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