wind waker forbidden woods
Hop into the flower bud to get on top of the pillar with the pot, then make your way up to the highest pillar to find a Joy Pendant. Go through the door and you'll be on a ledge high up in the central chamber. Kill the Peahats with the Grappling Hook and the Boomerang, and then use the Boomerang to kill the Boko Baba. Back in front of the entrance to this room, use the Deku Leaf to blow away leaves on the platform in front of you. The Koroks leap into the air to catch them, and tell you that they are going to take them out to the Great Sea. For The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GameCube, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Forbidden Forest floor B1? If it is approached during the day, the sun will rapidly fall belo… If you hear a chime, the vines are gone. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker; Getting back into Forbidden Woods; User Info: Hobbun1. 7.1 Forbidden WoodsProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 5/44Charts 6/46New in this section You can now open the door to meet the dungeon boss. Use it to fly over to the door we came from and head through it. Walk over to the opposite side of the room and use the Grappling Hook on the Peahats, then finish them off with the Boomerang. Chapter 7 – Forbidden Woods. Look above the door and you will see two switches. The dungeon is located in the far northwest quadrant of the Great Sea, and it is where Ganondorf has constructed his temporary lair by using a portal from Hyrule under the sea. Video Walkthrough: Forbidden Woods Part 2. This cave stretches from the top floor all the way to the bottom -- but a network of vines prevents you from going down to B1. Cross the room and from the north platform, look to the right to locate another platform with a flower on it. The Forbidden Woods is the second dungeon that you will come across in the Wind Waker. Throw the nut at the flower on the next door and head through it. Jump onto the flower and use your shield to block the Octorok’s attack and send it flying back towards him. Two enemies will be dropped from the sky to give you a little bit of trouble. The way Tingle Statues are found slightly differs between the two games, but in both they are essential to revealing locations of where … Use what you've learned when using the Deku Leaf against flying enemies and bring this giant Mothula butterfly down to the ground with the help of the power of the wind. Perform a spin attack whenever your opponent unleashes a barrage of sticky burs as they will slow you down. Throw the nut at the flower on the door to destroy it. On 3F in the Forbidden Woods is an isolated room that apparently contains a chest. Use the Boko Bulbs to climb up this area to the next door. Kill the Morths on the next platform and then jump onto it. In this timeless classic with a unique and colorful "toon-shaded" art style, players guide Link as he sets out on the massive Great Sea to find his kidnapped sister. Here’s a bunch of key discussion points to take into account when critiquing. There is another treasure chest in this room, but you'll need the Boomerang to open it, so come back later. You can either quickly avoid it or use a Parry attack to do even more damage. Walk forward and defeat the two Boko Babas and the four Green ChuChus found here. Walk up to the flower and use the burning stick to light it on fire. In the room with the giant flower use the Deku Leaf to spin the switch, activating a giant whirlwind on top of the flower. Chapter 4 – Dragon Roost Island. Use the Boomerang and the sword to kill the Mothulas here and open the chest that appears for a Joy Pendant. There are still bars on the door we need to use to exit the room. Slash the bushes here and use the Deku Leaf to fly to the door on the other side of the room and enter it. Hop across the remaining gap and walk forward. The Koroks begin to dance and sing, causing seeds to sprout on the Great Deku Tree. Some have fairies and health, while others have rupees and Morths inside. Then, follow the other path to the left, pick up the nut all the way to the left, throw them at … Hit it a few times and back out of the flower. Use the moving branches to make your way across the room. Video Walkthrough: Forbidden Woods Part 3. Go through the door. The Great Deku Tree asks Makar to play his songs for him, and Makar pulls out a fiddle and begins to play. As Link progresses through the Forbidden Woods, he finds the Boomerang, which can help him get down giant plants to use as platforms. Discover (and save!) When you walk forward you will see Makar standing on a flower. Defeat the Boko Baba along the way and use its Bulb to float across the room to a treasure chest. Kāre Demosu?) If you turn to the right you’ll find another path down the middle of the room. Go through the door. Enemies:Vines, Morth, Mothula (Wingless), Mothula (Winged), Dexivine, Kalle Demos Two Dexivines will come out of the ground. Open the chest for a small key, and then hop into the Boko Bulb outside. Walk along the path to the left and collect the rupees here, and then walk back along the right side of the path. Open the chest here for another 20 rupees. Hop down onto the flower and grab a bomb on the south side of the room. Exit the room. Use the Boomerang to target and defeat the two flowers on this door, and then head through it. Grab a stick and use this bud (and another one) to get all the way up to the third floor. Go back down to the bottom floor, grab another stick and climb back up to throw the stick at the vine again. Defeat the Green ChuChus along the way and then open the chest at the top for the Dungeon Map. Open the treasure chest to get a Knight’s Crest. You don’t need to knock down all of them; only the ones in the middle will get in our way. Walk inside the small area and open the chest for the Compass. When you get to the corner, turn and use your shield to defeat two Octorocs. Otherwise, grab a stick from one of the pots and light it on fire. Climb up the winding path and stand on top of the tree stump. Equip your Boomerang and take out the two vines guarding the east exit. Jump onto the flower with the bomb and then throw it at the wooden panels to the north to blow them up. Turn left at the wall, and then left again on the side of the vines. Use the Boomerang to take out the Peahats and the Morths in this room. Jump to the platform in front of you and then onto the platform to the right. Use the Boko Bulbs from before to get back to the top of the tree, and then use the Deku Leaf once again to blow the cart towards you. Walk over to the right and you will find a bomb growing in the grass. 7.1 – Forbidden Woods. Inside, you will find the Big Key. Enter through the door behind the panels to go into the next room. Kill it with your sword while it’s still lying on the ground. Chapter 1 – Outset Island. leonyasch. Optionally, you can fly over to the platforms in this room and collect some rupees, health, and a Joy Pendant. Wind Waker 14: Forbidden Woods. Throw the seed at it a few times and it will go up in smoke, letting you pass through the door. While speaking to some of the various Koroks in Forest Haven when receiving the Deku Leaf from the Great Deku Tree, one of them says that the Forbidden Woods used to be their home, and that there are stump shaped houses there. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker is another great installment in Nintendo's highly-acclaimed franchise. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD; Forbidden Woods Treasure Chest; User Info: AngelosTheHero. Go through the door and you'll find a room filled with seeds. Video Walkthrough: Forbidden Woods Part 1. Use the flower bud to fly into the air and open your Deku Leaf to ride the wind currents up to the second floor. Published: Jan 25, 2003. Continue doing this until you reach a wall and two more Octoroks. Next, grab a stick from the pot next to the boss door. Perform a spin attack to get rid of them, then open the treasure chest to get a yellow Rupee. Back at the small river, cut down the flower above with your Boomerang. You can run or roll to avoid both of these attacks. is the boss of the Forbidden Woods, the second dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. Exit the small area and grab another bomb. Hit the switch nearby with the Deku Leaf to bring another cart over. Use it to burn the wooden lid on the cauldron. Look in the grass to the right to locate a Bomb Flower. Defeat the two wingless butterflies and a treasure chest will appear. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Walkthrough & Strategy Guide. If you turn to the right you'll find another path down the middle of the room. This will open the door to allow us back out. This next part of the walkthrough will result in another Treasure Chart, so if you don’t want it head through the Boss Door and skip the next paragraph. Use the Boomerang to cut down the vines holding up the flower so it falls down to the water below. You'll get lifted up, and then just glide to the ledge that is the entrance to the Forbidden Woods. If you approach the nut in this room several vines will spring up and block your way. Follow. Collect the rupees inside the tree, and then walk around the outside of the tree until you can jump onto the platform on the west side. But now that you've got the Boomerang, that's all just for show-off. Even though it may not look like one, this room is actually a maze. The Wind Waker Walkthrough – Forbidden Woods. Face towards the east, then turn left and continue straight. Once the Mothula is hit it will start charging at you. Whilst inhabited by Ganondorf and his minions, the Fortress is held in perpetual night. 601 Comments. The Nintendo GameCube version only has 41 Treasure Charts, with the last 5 being exclusive to the Wii U version. Once you are shot into the sky use the Deku Leaf to float over to the platform nearby. The Wind Waker features 46 Treasure Charts scattered across the Great Sea in the Nintendo Wii U version. Use this Boko Bulb and then fly over to the next Bulb you can reach. Blow some air at the switch to bring another cart over to you and then hop on it. In the next room jump off the ledge and drop down to the bottom floor. Browse more videos. Go to the mailbox to receive a letter from Komali's father -- and an enclosed Piece of Heart. 3DS Friend Code: 0087-2458-1255 Kazumi ACNL: Mayor Blair of Arcadia Dream Address: 6200-6149-3430 . You will find yourself in a long corridor with a small pit in the middle. Jump onto the flower in the middle of the room and then jump across to the next section. Makar will thank you for rescuing him and he will remember the ceremony. Lock on to the first switch on the right side of the tall tree, then lock on to the others by turning clockwise to the right. At the north side of the room, you will find a few Rupees and three Baba plants. Defeat the Boko Baba on the next platform and jump into the Boko Bulb that appears. your own Pins on Pinterest Hop across until you're on steady ground again. You can use your new Boomerang to stun them both and attack one at a time to make this battle much easier. Keep stunning them and hitting them with the sword until they are defeated. Jump down through the hole where it fell and enter the door here. You are now inside the hollow trunk of the tree dungeon. Link will peer down to a hole in the trunk of the tree you just stood on. Open the chest to get Treasure Chart #15. ". Jump over to the central platform and walk around the tree. Before you walk through it, use the moving branches to the left to climb to the top of the room. Well, technically you could have opened it up before as well as tossing sticks at the vines would have done the trick (for the right one, you'd have to stand in the spot shown in the picture below). Temple Theme. Drop down into the pit and kill them, and then open the chest for a yellow rupee. The Forbidden Woods is The Wind Waker’s obligatory forest dungeon, so it goes without saying that it follows certain Zelda conventions. Head through the door with the small key we just got. Crawl out of the tree and head through the door to exit the room. Once they’re defeated head through the next door. When you approach Makar the flower will eat him and the battle with Kalle Demos will begin. Swing across the gap to the next platform. Instead, use the Deku Leaf to blow the nut towards the door and walk around the circle of vines. Drop down near the hole and head through the door to the east. Jump down to the bottom floor and defeat all enemies. Jump onto the tree platform once again and then head left and jump off at the next platform. Break the boards here with your sword and grab the nut behind them. Jump into the lone Boko Bulb in this area and defeat the Peahats nearby. In this room there are a few Morths located near the center of the room. Climb up the ramp along the tree in the center and you will be surrounded by 5 switches. You are supposed to throw a bomb at it when it's open. The Forbidden Woods is a foreboding isle in the Great Sea lying adjacent to Forest Haven in The Wind Waker. After you’ve hit it with the sword four times it will become a regular Mothula. Hop across to the next section by using the moving branches. Alternatively, you can also wait until it draws near to attack it. Next, grab the seed from the left side of the area and carry it over to the door in the center. This large cave stretches from the basement floor all the way to 3F. Link is sent into the woods by the Great Deku Tree to rescue Makar, who is supposed to perform a ceremony to create seeds to grow new forest across the Great Sea. This section documents all 46 of the Treasure Charts (or Treasure Maps) in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, including the locations and contents of each Go back to the round room in the center of the dungeon, stand on the platform with the small flower and use your Deku Leaf on the windmill. Hop on the cart and use it to reach the other side of the room. Don't get too close to the vine plant or it will retract into its shell. Enter the next room. Use it to destroy the vine, then exit the room. Once you do so, use the Deku Leaf to fly across to the other side and open the chest here for a Joy Pendant. Use your Deku Leaf on the windmill to bring the ropeway platform in close, then push yourself off by fanning the leaf to the north. Use your Deku Leaf to bring another platform closer, then hop on over to it. 3K Favourites. Take the stick, light it on the torch, and use it to burn the vine that's blocking access to the treasure chest in the west section of the area. Walk back through the maze and return to the door we entered from. Cross over the lake to the other side and exit through the door. Enter the next room. If you prefer, you can also go and retrieve any treasure chests that you may have missed first -- although it's just as easy to do this after the boss battle. The Wind Waker Walkthrough – Forbidden Woods. As with many bosses in the Legend of Zelda series, Kalle Demos seems to be the 'king' of a species of normal enemy, rather than an entirely new creature; … 35K Views:thumb393946938: Thanks musical-fantasies ^~^--:thumb274116688::thumb275481139::thumb306297900::thumb376874930::thumb396725858: Characters were drawn for my brother's t-shirt (shhh... it's a secret to him) but I extended whole … Quickly blow the switch with the Deku Leaf and make your way across the room, then head to the next door. Collect some supplies if you need to and then head through the boss door. Fight some of the green ChuChu slimes (use your Grappling Hook to steal green ChuChu Jelly every time), then go grab the Map. Jump over to the ledge, grab the Bomb, hop back onto the ropeway platform, and toss the Bomb into the hole in the roof of the large tree stump (above right picture). I am in the Forbidden forest in the Wind waker. Start off the dungeon by heading along the path to the right. After you’ve defeated it a locked area will open, allowing you to open the chest inside for the dungeon item: the Boomerang. AngelosTheHero 4 years ago #1. Open the door and go into the next room. Kalle Demos is made up of two integral parts: a vulnerable flower-like head and the multi-armed hanging bulb that not only poses a threat to Link, but shields the flower inside from damage. Look for the grappling point shown in the above picture, but instead of swinging from it, climb up and stand on top of the bar. To figure out how to get into the Forbidden Woods dungeon, please refer to the. Forbidden woods- eye wont open. I had gotten all the way near the boss and realized on my map that I had forgetten a treasture chest on the basement level. Part 6 of a walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. It is located near the island of the Forest Haven on the Great Sea. You can now open the locked door with your key. Exit the room. Swing across to another platform and enter the door here. Chapter 6 – Forest Haven. Ride the tongue platforms up and you will get to a small niche with a treasure chest behind a few small trees. You will need to use the boomerang on the tentacles in order to knock Kalle Demos down. You are given Farore’s Pearl as a reward for saving Makar. Head back up the ramp and use the Grappling Hook on the pole to the northeast. Climb up the ramp in the middle of the room and defeat the three Boko Babas found here. Apr 7, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Salt Lake Gaming Con. When the vines pop up in front of you, turn to the left and walk to the wall. You can now enter the door with the two vines growing on it. Blow the leaves off of the pot hidden in the ground, and then head back down the branches and through the door. Inside the treasure chest is a Knight's Crest. Hop on the cart that comes towards you and move it forward by blowing a gust of air at the door you came in from. Walk over to the grassy side of the room and grab the nut that is growing here. Simply lock on, use the Deku Leaf, then run in close and attack with your sword. Destroy the vine with the seed and go through the door. Use the Boomerang to target them and knock them out of your way. Boss: Kalle Demos. Because its entrance is too high for Link to try reaching while sailing, he must climb up to the top of the Koroks' isle, then exit and fly from one island to another with his Deku Leaf and the help of a cyclone. Keep repeating this process until you defeat the plant. Use the flower bud to get up high and float to the platform. In this room you can optionally obtain the second Tingle Statue, the Forbidden Tingle Statue. Go through the tunnel back into the central stem of the tree, 3F. Through the next door we will find the large tree we were jumping on before. Pick it up and throw it at the wooden panel closest to you. Open the west door. By Purrdemonium Watch. The key to crossing this bottomless pit lies in the windmill construction to the left (image below). As you progress through this dungeon, keep an eye on the ground or you'll miss the piles of leaves that often hide power-ups. Once the enemy is defeated, you can open the treasure chest in the northwest corner to get the Boomerang. If you stay there too long, the petals will fold in and cause some heavy damage. Look up and latch on to another grappling bar and swing up to the platform in front of you. User Info: FlowerryPott. Objectives: Explore the woods, get the Boomerang, defeat the final boss, rescue Makar and receive Farore's Pearl Items: Dungeon Map, Compass, Small Key (1), Boomerang, Pieces of Heart, Treasure Charts #1 &15. It is worth mentioning that, when the young hero goes to the dungeon for the first time, falling into water brings him back to the last island he landed… Grab another Golden Feather from the Peahat in this room, and then blow it down into the water. > The Wind Waker > Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time > Link's Awakening; Fans > Arts (drawings) > Animated gifs > Fakes > Compositions; The Wind Waker walkthrough Forbidden Woods. Lift it up and place the bomb next to the flower. Jump into the bud and hover over there, then turn around and float over to the northeast platform. Target them all with the Boomerang and if performed correctly the switches will open the door below revealing a chest containing the Big Key. Statue Locations. Once you make it to the other side head through the next door. Report. Walk with the nut until you are a few feet in front of the door. How does one reach this room? Chapter 2 – Forsaken Fortress. Hop down there to find a treasure chest with a red Rupee. Use the Deku Leaf and blow air at the eastern wall to move the flower along the top of the water. Open it to get a Joy Pendant. Forbidden Woods. Go to the right, follow the passage and pick up the Map from the chest. Charts:#15, #1 Unfortunately, the door at the end cannot be opened due to a flower that has grown over it. Walk back along the path and you’ll find a Boko Bulb that you can use to climb higher into the room. Chapter 3 – Windfall Island. Grab another Bomb from the flower and throw it across the vines at the other barricade. Head straight until you begin to reach the tree ahead of you, and then turn left. Use your Deku Leaf to make it spin (just send a gust of wind into its direction), then hop onto the platform and use the Deku Leaf again to make the platform move. Forbidden Woods Exterior | Interior. Exit through the door to get to a water-filled room with another small ropeway. Continue doing this until you can reach the door on the northern side of the room. Quickly jump into the Boko Bulb and fly into the whirlwind which will shoot you upwards. Dispose of them any way you like, then climb back on top of the tree stump and use your Grappling Hook to swing yourself across to the now unlocked door in the east. There's a locked door behind you and a seed on the ground. Place the nut on the cart and then use your Deku Leaf to float to the north side of the room and land in the small section inside the tree below. I shot out of a ton of Baba Buds (I think that's what they're called) and I'm now on a platform with a door. FlowerryPott 4 years … Grab the Bomb from the Bomb Flower and blow up the barricade. It should be a goner by now. Head to the right and grapple across to the next section. The Bomb will blow up the vines guarding the treasure chest inside. Kalle Demos will try and use its lower vines to slam the ground or use them to go underground and pop up to hurt you. Items:Dungeon Map, Compass, Boomerang, Forbidden Tingle Statue (Gamecube), Big Key, Heart Container, Farore’s Pearl Use the Boomerang to target them and cut them loose from the ceiling. Makar will be freed and a heart container will be left in the room. Grab the Bomb and use it to blow up the vine guarding the door. Kalle Demos is a plant that will attach itself to the ceiling. You'll see a cyclone circling around the island. As you go through the dungeon, whenever you encounter a Peahat, you want to use the Grappling Hook to acquire the Golden Feather.
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